Chris Hodges: What Obama Really Meant — a Literal Interpretation of His NSA Speech

Published on Monday, January 20, 2014 by What Obama Really Meant Was … by Chris Hedges Remarks by the President on Review of Signals Intelligence(if he had told the truth)Department of Injustice Washington, D.C. 11:15 a.m. EST THE PRESIDENT: A small, secret surveillance committee of goons and thugs hiding behind the mask of patriotism …

Marcus Aurelius: SSCI Unclassified Report on Benghazi Slams State, CIA, CJCS, and CINCAFRICOM

Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) today released a declassified report on Sep 2012 attack on Consulate Benghazi. Invite your attention to SSCI press release, first below, and report’s assessment of CJCS’s performance as a leader, second below. Actual declassified and redacted report attached in PDF format. NB: Key findings and recommendations, and complete downloadable …

Tom Atlee: TPP & Fast Track Toxic to Democracy — Call for Action

Act now re TPP and Fast Track (toxic to democracy) This month the US Congress could pass legislation that would make sure that complex trade agreements favored by multinational corporations – like the TransPacific Partnership (TPP) – would be pushed through Congress with little debate and little information provided to the public. This so-called “fast-track” …

4th Media: Latin America and the US: The Apotheosis of Distrust

Latin America and the US: The Apotheosis of Distrust The year 2013 was shockingly damaging to relations between the U.S. and the countries of Latin America. Edward Snowden’s revelations showed that in the Western Hemisphere, Washington is trying to play only by the rules it itself has written. Using such spying programs as Prism, Boundless Informant and …

Veterans Today: Suppressed 2002 German Report on 9/11 — Probable Fabrication But Pulls a Lot Together

Suppressed 2002 German Report on 9/11 (Translated from German.  The original document, after careful forensic examination is considered “inconclusive.”  It has not been proven fake in any way. Ed.) On Monday 6, August, 2001, at 17:50, [German] Ambassador Ischinger personally  notified the President of the United States that information developed by the  Bundesamt fur Verfassungsschutz …

4th Media: UN to Debate Truth & Reconciliation in Extraordinary Open Debate Planned for 29 JAN 2014

Truth and Reconciliation to be Debated at United Nations Ronda Hauben, 8 January 2014 The press conference held by Jordan’s Ambassador to the UN to introduce Jordan’s presidency of the UN Security Council for the month of January 2014 included a surprise proposal that distinguished it from the usual tradition of announcing the program of …