Review: The Routledge Atlas of Jewish History
Superb, Need This for All Religions and for the IDEAS, July 24, 2008
Superb, Need This for All Religions and for the IDEAS, July 24, 2008
History Review (Guest): Adam Smith in Beijing–Lineages of the Twenty-First Century Review: 1491–New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus Review: Clock Of The Long Now–Time And Responsibility: The Ideas Behind The World’s Slowest Computer Review: Freedom Next Time: Resisting the Empire Review: Responsible History Review: Tell Me No Lies: Investigative Journalism That Changed the World …
Continue reading “Worth a Look: Book Reviews on History & Time”
Review: The Penguin Atlas of Women in the World: Completely Revised and Updated Review: The Routledge Atlas of Jewish History Review: The State of the World Atlas: Sixth Edition Review: The State of War and Peace Atlas (Penguin Reference) Review: The Water Atlas–A Unique Visual Analysis of the World’s Most Critical Resource Review: Zones of …
Making Connection to Obama, October 20, 2008
Annotated Bibliography[1] Robert David STEELE Vivas Chapter in ELECTION 2008: Lipstick on the Pig (Earth Intelligence Network, 2008) Anti-Americanism, Blowback, Why the Rest Hates the West Betrayal of the Public Trust Biomimicry, Green Chemistry, Ecological Economics, Natural Capitalism Blessed Unrest, Dignity, Dissent, & the Tao of Democracy Capitalism, Globalization, Peak Oil, & “Free” Trade Run …
2004, needs updating and a web site, July 28, 2008