Journal: AlterNet on “Beyond Madness”–Patraeus in Pakistan

‘Beyond Madness’: Obama’s War on Terror Setting Nuclear-Armed Pakistan on Fire Rather than seeking to stabilize Pakistan, General David Petraeus has been irresponsibly lighting matches with his shortsighted use of Special Forces and drone strikes by Fred Branfman EXCERPT 1:  But rather than seeking to stabilize Pakistan, General David Petraeus has, incredibly, been irresponsibly lighting …

Reference: WikiLeaks and Al Qaeda as Open Source Insurgencies

Journal: The Security and Secrecy “Tax” – Global Guerrillas By John Robb at Global Guerrillas (Networked tribes, systems disruption, and the emerging bazaar of violence. Resilient Communities, decentralized platforms, and self-organizing futures) Wikileaks and Al Qaeda’s Open Source Jihad are both open source insurgencies. While there are obvious differences between the two, what’s more interesting …

Reference: Cultures of Resistance–A Look at Global Militarization

by Cultures of Resistance Fri, Oct 22, 2010 4:32pm EST In 2009, the United States government spent some $650 billion on its military. This is more than the next 46 highest-spending countries combined. Much of this treasure ended up in the hands of profit-driven weapons manufacturers. In the following short film, Cultures of Resistance takes …