Stephen E. Arnold: Google Has Killed Search — For-gedda-bout-it

Google: Search Is So Yesterday Net net: It will become more difficult to obtain objective search results going forward. For a person who needs accurate, timely information the research job is going to get more difficult in the months ahead. PBI: Google only does shallow web. It can do deep web, but you must pay …

Stephen E. Arnold: Startup Tamr Focuses on Automated Data Cleanup for Incoherent Legacy Big Data

Rising Startup Tamr Has Big Plans for Data Cleanup An article Gigaom is titled Michael Stonebraker’s New Startup, Tamr, Wants to Help Get Messy Data in Shape. With the help ($16 million) from Google Ventures and New Enterprise Associates, Stonebraker and partner Andy Palmer are working to crack the ongoing problem of data transformation and …

Stephen E. Arnold: Libraries Hurt If Net Neutrality Dies

Libraries Hurt If Net Neutrality Dies The Washington Post blog The Switch interviewed the American Library Association’s Director of Government Relations Lynne Bradley in the article “Why The Death of Net Neutrality Would Be A Disaster For Libraries” about how libraries would be adversely affected without net neutrality. As public institutions with most of their …

Stephen E. Arnold: Elastisearch Open Source Rules Search — Bulldozing Content Processing

Elasticsearch: Bulldozing Content Processing When I left the intelligence conference in Prague, there were a number of companies in my graphic about open source search. When I got off the airplane, I edited my slide. Looks to me as if Elasticsearch has just bulldozed the search and content sector, commercialized open source group. I would …

Stephen E. Arnold: Is Google Breaking the Internet?

Google: Owning the Internet I read “Google Is Breaking the Internet.” The write up addresses the issue of links between and among other Internet accessible content. The discussion focuses on search engine optimization. Google has a problem with relevance related to generating revenue. The pressure Google is exerting with regard to links is a logical …