Owl: City of Roswell Tortures, Hounds, and Finally Executes Citizen with Chickens

There are seemingly too many articles to count about federal or state abuses of  power, but this does not mean there is any lack of vicious, sadistic, utterly cruel, and maniacally vindictive abuse by local government, as is evident is this well-researched, detailed article about a harmless and decent man who legally raised chickens on …

Eagle: Report calls for prosecution of top government officials for acts of torture

Report calls for prosecution of top government officials for acts of torture People’s Blog for the Constitution, 11 January 2012 EXTRACT: For those who would like to see torturers brought to justice, a recent report issued by Human Rights USA and the American University Washington College of Law International Human Rights Law Clinic, INDEFENSIBLE: A Reference …

Reference: Council of Europe on Abuse of State Secrecy — the Beginning of Global Push-Back on CIA Rendition, Torture, and Assassination–JSOG Next

Council of Europe Draft Resolution on Abuse of State Secrecy and National Security Tip of the Hat to Public Intelligence.Net at Twitter.  In our view this represents the beginning of global push-back against crimes against humanity by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) acting “in our name” and at our expense.  Similar push-back against the Joint …

Whither Egypt – and its Torturer Vice President

Egypt: Exchanging a Dictator for a Torturer By James Ridgeway, Mother Jones, Thu Feb. 3, 2011 8:30 AM PST As for Suleiman, he looks to be a nasty piece of work. Egyptian Protests Grounded in Decades of Struggle; Portend Regional Transformation Max Ajl, Truthout, 03 February 2011 Egypt is throbbing with resistance. Cairo is cloven between the …