Lisi Krall: This Historical Moment Demands Transformation of Our Institutions. The Green New Deal Won’t Do That

This Historical Moment Demands Transformation of Our Institutions. The Green New Deal Won’t Do That The GND’s problem, as I understand it, is that it wants to deal with the first contradiction of capital (job creation and new outlets for capital investment) and the second contradiction (biophysical limits) by assuming that we can transition to …

DefDog: Senators from Both Parties Lie to America About Russian Hacking and Role of Cyber Command (Also Known as Clown Command) in “Preventing” What Did Not Happen…

Senators from both political parties on Thursday praised the military’s cyber force for helping secure last year’s midterm elections, with one suggesting it was largely due to U.S. Cyber Command that the Russians failed to affect the 2018 vote. From experience, Cyber Command does not know the difference between TCP/IP and UDP….they are not capable …

Review: Merchants of Truth The Business of News and the Fight for Facts by Jill Abramson (Sort Of)

Jill Abramson 3 Stars This is a crap book that I should have been smart enough to not buy but I overlooked the author’s dubious credentials as a New York Times editor — the “pay to play” standard in the fake news Mainstream Media (MSM). There is nothing really useful in this book, which paints …