Theophillis Goodyear: A Glimpse of Integrated Consciousness

The Handbook to Higher Consciousness, by Ken Keyes Jr Keyes had a deep insight into basic spirituality. It’s comparable to the Buddhist view. In fact sometimes I think he’s more of a Buddhist than many contemporary Buddhists. And he acknowledges that he drew on the teachings the Buddha, Jesus, Western psychology, and many other philosophies …

Intelligence with Integrity Chapter 1: Public Governance & Public Intelligence

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Berto Jongman: Recommended Book — Leaders Make the Future: Ten New Leadership Skills for an Uncertain World

Rate Your Leadship Skills for the Future – Free Self-Assessment •    Grounded in the most recent ten-year forecast by the prestigious Institute for the Future •    Identifies the new skills needed to thrive in the next decade •    Provides tools, examples, and advice to help develop your expertise in each of the ten future skills …

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Chuck Spinney: Arab Spring Act II — Near Enemies Falling First?

Arab spring, act two Are the Arab monarchies next? As the chaotic transition towards democracy continues in North Africa and Yemen, the fighting in Syria is intensifying. And, less noticed, opposition to the Arab monarchies is growing. by Hicham Ben Abdallah El Alaoui Le Monde Diplomatique, January 2012 The Arab Spring is not an outcome, …