Richard Wright: Intelligence Analysis is Not Done by Computers

Intelligence Analysis Follow up on Robert Steele & Anonymous: Most Analysis Software Sucks — And Story of How Steele Correctly Called BSA Not Being Signed in Afghanistan The usefulness of computer aids to intelligence analysis (“tools”) depends a good deal on what sort of ‘intelligence’ you are talking about. Intelligence is information that has been …

Robert Steele & Anonymous: Most Analysis Software Sucks — And Story of How Steele Correctly Called BSA Not Being Signed in Afghanistan

ROBERT STEELE: I have been re-kicking the tires on the obvious aspiring analytic software packages, and find all of them unworthy for multiple reasons ranging from an inability to ingest data to an obscene amount of training being required to extract data to a general uselessness at making intuitive leaps. I asked one of the …

Event: 21 May 2014 1500-2100 NYC Liberation Technology Internet Society Reclaim.CC

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” ― UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights Open Data, Global Game, Electronic Magna Carta, .nyc, Privacy, Open Hardware, Inclusive Access, …

Michael Ostrolenk: Cyberlibertarians’ Digital Deletion of the Left

Cyberlibertarians’ Digital Deletion of the Left David Golumbia David Golumbia is an assistant professor of English at Virginia Commonwealth University and author of The Cultural Logic of Computation. Jacobin, 4 December 2013 Technological innovation does not inherently promote the Left’s goals. The digital revolution, we are told everywhere today, produces democracy. It gives “power to the …

Nik Peachey: The fully automated bibliography, research, citation, and internet highlighting tool

This looks like an interesting attempt to develop tools for digital study skills The fully automated bibliography, research, citation, and internet highlighting tool. From – Today, 5:54 AM Our innovative academic research platform allows students and researchers to save, organize, and automatically cite online or offline information throughout the duration of the writing process, …

Berto Jongman: New Movement “Reset the Net” Fights NSA’s Mass Surveillance — Google and Twitter NOT Joining the Movement

New Movement Aims to ‘Reset the Net’ Against Mass Surveillance By Kim Zetter WIRED 05.06.14 A coalition of nearly two-dozen tech companies and civil liberties groups is launching a new fight against mass internet surveillance, hoping to battle the NSA in much the same way online campaigners pushed back on bad piracy legislation in 2012. The …