Stephen E. Arnold: Google Continues to Capture and Pollute World of Knowledge

The Growth of Google’s Knowledge Graph The article titled How a Database of the World’s Knowledge Shapes Google’s Future on MIT Technology Review is an explanation of Google’s Knowledge Graph and the progress made in compiling information to feed into it. The Knowledge Graph began as a database built by Metaweb, which Google acquired in …

Stephen E. Arnold: Big Data Tired, Limited Data Wired

Advice on Making the Most of Limited Data The article How To Do Predictive Analytics with Limited Data from Datameer on Slideshare suggests that Limited Data may replace Big Data in import. The idea of “semi-supervised learning” is presented to handle the difficulties associated with creating predictions based on limited data such as expense and …

Stephen E. Arnold: Attivio and Quant5 Data Analytics

Attivio and Quant5 Partner to Meet Challenges of Data Analytics The article on PRNewswire titled Attivio and Quant5 Partner to Bring Fast and Reliable Predictive Customer Analytics to the Cloud explains the partnership between the two analytics innovators. Aimed at producing information from data without the hassle of a team of data scientists, the partnership …

Stephen E. Arnold: Discover the Open Source Alternative to the Autonomy Crawler Tool

Discover the Open Source Alternative to the Autonomy Crawler February 7, 2014 Whether Autonomy’s product success is true or false, as proprietary software it comes with a large price tag. The average small business or user cannot afford to purchase HP Autonomy’s IDOL Crawler. Open source is the best alternative, but for the longest time …

Stephen E. Arnold: IBM Flails at Cloud and Machine Learning

Watson with its Head in the Cloud IBM’s Watson is proceeding to the cloud. Apparently, though, the journey is proving more challenging than expected. The Register reports, “IBM’s Watson-as-a-Cloud: Is it a Bird? Is it a Plane? No, it’s Another Mainframe.” Writer Jack Clark peers through the marketing hype, maintaining that Watson does not translate …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google Books Ruling — Just Wait…

Google Books Ruling Appealed It’s not over until it’s over. The long process of determining whether Google’s giant Books project counts as “fair use” continues, we learn from “Authors Guild Appeals Ruling in Google Books Case” at The Authors Guild would like to see limits on the herculean digitization project, which has scanned more …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google’s Wanders About — Still Not Making Sense

Hardware Management Congruence: Google and Barnes and Noble I have been scanning the Google Motorola news. The write up fall into two camps. On one hand, there are the Google is really smart. See, for example, “Google to Keep Motorola’s Advanced Technology Group” and “Google’s Tasty Lemonade.” On the other hand, there are the Google …