Journal: Shrinking Arctic ice will stretch a shrinking U.S. Navy

Small Wars Journal By Robert Haddick August 7, 2009 Climate change and reduced sea ice cover may result in opening up the Arctic to vastly increased resource development and commercial traffic. These trends will inevitably spark international conflicts and create a need for more military forces to provide security and protect interests in the Arctic …

Journal: Stronger Signals–Naked Virginia Police Chiefs

+++++++Phi Beta Iota Editorial Comment+++++++ We’ve seen quite a few stupid, abusive policemen–generally in Third World countries, struggling to make a living, treating corruption as a form of life insurance.  What we have not seen ourselves in Virginia, is stupid, abusive police chiefs and ignorant abusive “undercover” officers who go after citizens whose only crime …

Journal: Human Intel Or Technical Intel?

DoDBuzz,com August 5, 2009 Human Intel Or Technical Intel? By Greg Grant Some of the leading doyens of the Washington national security set recently returned from Afghanistan where they were part of new Afghan commander Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s strategy review. CSIS’s Anthony Cordesman reported back last week with a generally pessimistic take on the state …

Books: Intelligence for Peace (PKI Book Two) Finalizing

INTELLIGENCE for PEACE: Multinational, Multifunctional Information-Sharing and Sense-Making, edited by Col Jan-Inge Svensson, SE (Ret), the foremost authority and educator on peace intelligence and the use of unclassified decisions support, goes to the printer on or about 1 December 2009. This is the sequel to PEACEKEEPING INTELLIGENCE: Emerging Concepts for the Future. Anyone wishing to …

CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 30 July 2009

Hot Topics AF: Americas New Nightmare 07/28/09 AF: Taliban issues Code of Conduct to fighters in Afghanistan 07/30/09 IR:  Iran and the Taliban, allies against America 07/28/09 IR:  Report: Hezbollah Leader Threatens Tel Aviv Strike 07/27/09 KZ: Economic meltdown only latest woe for oil-rich Kazakhstan 07/30/09 PS:  Gaza Strip to Get Access to Reconstruction Materials …

EUCOM Week in Review ending 22 July 2009

Hot Topics AZ:  Azerbaijan-Russia gas deal mainly attributable to Russias defense 07/17/09 BA:  Bosnians Got What They Voted For 07/20/09 BG:  Court action against Bulgarian military for gender discrimination 07/19/09 DE:  France, Germany vie to sell Pakistan subs 07/22/09 IL:  In Possible Iran Signal, Israeli Boats Cross Suez 07/21/09 IL:  Mossad and Military Intelligence engaged …