The Steele Report Questions Being Answered Today

1. You have spoken in the past about how Ivanka Trump was probably profiled by Ghislaine Maxwell for capture by a Mossad controlled Zionist, and you have speculated that artificial phenomes were used to cause her to fall in love with a slum-lord twit who may also be gay. Can you comment further?

Robert Steele: Facebook Purging Oathkeepers & Other Patriotic Groups

Facebook is Purging Oath Keepers and Other Patriot Groups Today I personally experienced discrimination by MeetUp, which cancelled my $77,000 paid network of 435 #UNRIG MeetUps (one in each Congressional District) at the same time that MeetUp, in partnership with the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was sponsoring, with fees waived, 1,087 #RESIST domestic sedition groups. I …