Paul Craig Roberts: Collapse at Hand – and ONE THING an Honest Government Could Do To Make It All Right

Collapse At Hand Ever since the beginning of the financial crisis and quantitative easing, the question has been before us: How can the Federal Reserve maintain zero interest rates for banks and negative real interest rates for savers and bond holders when the US government is adding $1.5 trillion to the national debt every year …

DefDog: Keith Alexander, Moth to the Flame of Capital Corruption

The problem is they don’t have much to offer, other than going along.  Corporate profits need to be sustained and attending (not fixing) the Cyber world appears to be the new way of doing it.  And as a side note, it is the Congressional-cyber-industrial complex……since Congree allocates the funding and reaps the lobbyist’s support… Cyberthreats …

2012 Reality Sandwich: How I Tested the Boundaries of the Two-Party Tyranny

How I Tested the Boundaries of the Two-Party Tyranny Robert David Steele Vivas Reality Sandwich, 24 May 2012 For six weeks in early 2012 I ran for the office of President of the United States of America.  I was accepted by the Reform Party (one of six accredited national parties completely shut out of the …

Winslow Wheeler: The F-22, Toxic Stealth, Secrets Screw Sick…

Dina Rasor and Pierre Sprey have collaborated on an important and informative piece on the F-22.  It expands the publically available thinking about the nature of the toxicity problem facing F-22 pilots, and–just as importantly–it probes the nature of one of the prime suspects for the problem: the F-22’s “stealth” coating.  Note at the end of …