Review (Guest): The Man Who Killed Kennedy – The Case Against LBJ

Roger J. Stone Is this the Penultimate CIA hangout position, or just another “Case Closed?”, October 22, 2013 Herbert L. Calhoun This is an interesting theory. In fact it is a slightly more robust and sophisticated off-shoot of the “renegade CIA officers did it” theory. However, the critical element — of linking it to Clint …

Jim Fetzer: Suppressing and Manipulating 9/11 Truth using the internet [Disappearing Facts, Not Just People]

“I am overwhelmed by the elegance and simplicity of the techniques that are being deployed to defeat the dissemination of 9/11 Truth to the American public”–Jim Fetzer The massive NSA surveillance program appears to have benefits for those who are in control beyond what has been generally acknowledged, which, evidence suggests, includes manipulating search engines …

Paul Craig Roberts: Is the USA a “Failed State?”

A Plague Upon The World: The USA is a “Failed State” Interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary US Treasury, Associate Editor Wall Street Journal, Professor of Political Economy Center for Strategic and International Studies Georgetown University Washington DC. Question:  Dr. Roberts,  the United States is regarded as the …

SchwartzReport: NSA Has Not Foiled a SINGLE Terrorist Plot + NSA Meta-RECAP

Here is what I believe is a correct assessment concerning the creation of the national security state in which we live today. Absurd amounts of money have been spent, and civil liberties abridged to an unprecedented degree, on the basis of a threat consisting of little gangs. It is transparently disproportionate, there has to be …

Review: Pakistan on the Brink–The Future of America, Pakistan, and Afghanistan

Ahmed Rashid REF A — 12 Years of Lessons Learned in Time for 2014, October 13, 2013 This is an extraordinary book that required a great deal of time, not in the reading, but in the reflection. This will be a longer review than usual, even for me, because this book contains all of the …