Review (Guest): TRAITOR: The Whistleblower and the “American Taliban”

Jesselyn Radack 5.0 out of 5 stars Extremely Important,February 8, 2012 David C N Swanson (Charlottesville VA United States) – See all my reviews (REAL NAME) It began with that monstrous young man so evil we needed to blindfold him and strap him to a board, that confusing young man who looked like Christ but …

DefDog: The infamous ‘take down the Internet in 30 minutes’ hearing from 1998 — Tens of Billions Later, NSA and OMB Have Not Done Their Jobs, US Cyber is Wide Open and Unsafe at Any Speed + Meta-RECAP

This is the famous hearing where Mudge told senators he could K-O the Internet in 30 minutes. It was a wide-ranging discussion, though Mudge’s claim is what the media ran with at the time. Watch and ask yourself, as Trustwave’s Tom Brennan does on his Facebook page this morning: “14 Years… have we gotten better?” …

Paul Craig Roberts: Washington Leads World Into Lawlessness

Washington Leads World Into Lawlessness The US government pretends to live under the rule of law, to respect human rights, and to provide freedom and democracy to citizens. Washington’s pretense and the stark reality are diametrically opposed. US government officials routinely criticize other governments for being undemocratic and for violating human rights. Yet, no other …

Mini-Me: Myths of US Government Shattered – JFK Assassination by USG Cabal Set to Unravel Along with 9/11 Related Lies and Cover-Ups

Huh? The Murder of [CIA Spouse] Mary Pinchot Meyer Jacob G. Hornberger Future of Freedom Foundation Recently by Jacob G. Hornberger: The Kennedy Assassination In early 1976 the National Enquirer published a story that shocked the elite political class in Washington, D.C. The story disclosed that a woman named Mary Pinchot Meyer, who was a …

2012 Reality Sandwich: The Battle for the Soul of the Republic

The Battle for the Soul of the Republic Reality Sandwich, 10 April 2012 Robert David Steele Vivas The National Security Agency (NSA) mega-data center, combined with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) special relationship with Google, and the federalization of local police using Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funds to pay for monitoring both the locations …

Chuck Spinney: The Afghanistan Disaster Part II – The Long Hard Costly Exit

Given Nato’s political problems with Pakistan, the Brits have elected to leave Afghanistan along the so-called Northern route to the Baltic Sea (see my 27 November posting, Afghan Dunkirk for discussion of the selection).  Now, as Bryan Brady and Jonathan Owen report in the Independent, the entirely predictable baksheesh game has begun. Think of what the far larger, more logistics-intensive US …