Bojan Radej: Complex Systems Science With Wicked Humans, Smart Animals, and Communicating Plants

I am sending you pretty inspirational paper, “Living Roadmap for Complex Systems Science: The French roadmap for complex systems: March 2008, The Complex System Society«. It is written in scientific language. I am sometimes thinking about your concepts and try to figure out how to translate them from systemic presentation to complex one. The difference …

Robert Steele: Smart Rats Nail Tuberculosis in Spit from Smell Alone

I’ve been fighting a losing battle for 25 years to reassert the primacy of the human factor within the craft of  intelligence (decision-support). Although I have no doubt this will happen eventually — industrial era technology is in performance free-fall — I am now becoming interested in plant and animal intelligence, and in how we …

Berto Jongman: Internet Service Providers Over Five Years Out of Date on Routers, Time to Go Directly to Dark Fiber and Open Spectrum

Is the internet ‘full’ and going to shut down? Reports state that that the internet is running out of space – but is this really a problem, and do we have to worry about it? Reports this week have claimed that the internet is in danger of becoming “full” because the number of internet connections …

SchwartzReport: App Five-O Helps Citizens Hold Police Accountable

Something very interesting is happening with social media. It is becoming a sharing venue where people otherwise unconnected can share common experiences of police violence. If this trend takes off, as I think it will, hundreds if not thousands of these confrontation episodes, that normally go largely unremarked except locally, will get posted online where …