Lovely to see a search like this. Here are the core references and then a comment and then a number of other references, but the reality is that this entire website is about creating a smart nation, and world brain, and four reforms: electoral, intelligence, governance, and national security.
Afterthought: all the references from the early 1990's are sad but still relevant. 99% of our “managers” have been repeating the same year's experience each year for the past 20-30 years. There has been no cumulative learning, no strategic development, and that is why we need the four reforms and a smart nation–all of which is rooted in creating a defense open source intelligence grid that is capable of Multinational Engagement that leverages 90 militaries to create two-way reachback across all eight tribes in all languages all the time.
Smart Nation Core References
Legislation: Smart Nation-Safe Nation Act of 2009
2008 COLLECTIVE INTELLIGENCE: Creating a Prosperous World at Peace
2006 INFORMATION OPERATIONS: All Information, All Languages, All the Time
2006 THE SMART NATION ACT: Public Intelligence in the Public Interest
2006 Forbes Blank Slate On Education
2006 Forbes Blank Slate On Intelligence
2002 THE NEW CRAFT OF INTELLIGENCE: Personal, Public, & Political
1996: CREATING A SMART NATION: Strategy, Policy, Intelligence & Information
1995 Creating a Smart Nation: Strategy, Policy, Intelligence, & Information
1995 GIQ 13/2 Creating a Smart Nation: Strategy, Policy, Intelligence, and Information
1995 National Information Strategy 101 Presentation to CENDI/COSPO*
1993 Corporate Role in National Competitiveness: Smart People + Good Tools + Information = Profit
1993 From Schoolhouse to White House
1992 AIJ Winter National Security Act of 1992
Memoranda: OSS CEO to DNI One-Pager
Memorandum: $2 Billion Obligation Plan Centered on Defense, for a New Open Source Agency
Memoranda: Creating a New Agency with a New Mission, New Methods, and a New Mind Set
Memoranda: Policy-Budget Outreach Tool
2004 Modern History of Public Intelligence and the Opposition
Memoranda: Four Reforms for Public Consideration
Below the Fold: Intelligence Reform, Electoral Reform, National Security Reform, Governance Reform, Other References on Smart Nation and Four Reforms
Intelligence Reform
2009 Intelligence for the President–AND Everyone Else
2009 Fixing the White House & National Intelligence
2009 Human Intelligence: All Humans, All Minds, All the Time
2009 Perhaps We Should Have Shouted: A Twenty-Year Restrospective
2009 Re-Inventing Intelligence to Re-Engineer Earth
2008 IJIC 21/3 The Open Source Program: Missing in Action
2008 Open Source Intelligence (Strategic)
2008 Open Source Intelligence (Operational)
2007 IJIC 20/1 Foreign Liaison and Intelligence Reform: Still in Denial
2006 IJIC 19/1 Intelligence Affairs: Evolution, Revolution, or Reactionary Collapse?”
2002 New Rules for the New Craft of Intelligence (Book 2 Chapter 15)
2002 TIME Magazine The New Craft of Intelligence
2002 IJIC 15/2 Crafting Intelligence in the Aftermath [of 9/11]
Memorandum: Talking Points on Intelligence Reform
Memorandum: Talking Points on Homeland Defense Intelligence
2000 Presidential Intelligence (Book 1 Chapter 13)
2000 ON INTELLIGENCE: Spies and Secrecy in an Open World
1997 Strategic Intelligence in the USA: Myth or Reality?
1995 Re-Inventing Intelligence The Vision and the Strategy
1992 Intelligence Lessons Learned from Recent Expeditionary Operations
1992 Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield: The Marine Corps Viewpoint
1991 MCG Intelligence Support for Expeditionary Planners
1991 Defense Intelligence Productivity
Electoral Reform
NOTE: It's all connected. Cannot have smart spies in a dumb nation, cannot have proper education within a two-party tyranny that screws the middle class, blue collar, and poor in order to enrich the corrupt few–this is as true in small towns across America as it is at the federal level. See Deer Hunting with Jesus–Dispatches from America’s Class War
Reference: Electoral Reform Act of 2009
Review: The Collapse of Complex Societies
Review: The Populist Moment–A Short History of the Agrarian Revolt in America
Worth a Look: Nader 2000 campaign manager publishes article on discriminatory ballot access laws
Review: Getting a Grip–Clarity, Creativity, and Courage in a World Gone Mad
Review: Is Democracy Possible Here?: Principles for a New Political Debate
Review: Grand Illusion–The Myth of Voter Choice in a Two-Party Tyranny
Review: Peaceful Positive Revolution–Economic Security for Every American
Journal: Weak Signals–Social Dislocation Ahead
Journal: Weak Signals–Civil War in the USA?
Review: Harvest Of Rage–Why Oklahoma City Is Only The Beginning
Review: The Crisis of Western Culture
National Security Reform
Reference: CJCS & Frog 6 Strategic Guidance Side-by-Side (Each is Six Pages)
Event Report: 20 Nov 09 NYC Counterinsurgency–America’s Strategic Burden Featuring Nagl, Kilcullen, Sheehan, Bergen, Coll Among Others
2008 U.S. Naval Power in the 21st Century
Memorandum: Streamling National Security
2001 Threats, Strategy, and Force Structure: An Alternative Paradigm for National Security
2000 IJIC 13/4 Possible Presidential Initiatives (Before 9-11)
2000 Presidential Leadership and National Security Policy Making
1998 JFQ The Asymmetric Threat: Listening to the Debate
1998 Information Peacekeeping: The Purest Form of War
1998 TAKEDOWN: Targets, Tools, & Technocracy
1993 On Defense & Intelligence–The Grand Vision
1999 Setting the Stage for Information-Sharing in the 21st Century: Three Issues of Common Concern to DoD and the Rest of the World
1992 MCU Thinking About Revolution
1992 USNI Proceedings C4I The New Linchpin
Reference: 1992 USMC C4I Campaign Plan
1992 Information Concepts & Doctrine for the Future
1990 Expeditionary Environment Analytic Model
Governance Reform
Prefaces (Steele, Sanders, Atlee, Hartmann, Seagraves)
Election 2008 Chapter: The Substance of Governance
1975 MA Paper: The origin, status, and failure of the state as the sovereign mode of human organization
Other References
1988-2009 OSINT-M4IS2 TECHINT Chronology
Definitions: Emerging Taxonomy for Collective Intelligence
Graphic: Integrity in All Respects
Journal: “Expert Judgement” vs. Public Intelligence
Journal: Anthropology 101–Not Being Listened To
Journal: Chuck Spinney and Pat Buchanan on Groupthinking Apparat Moves to Finish Off Obama
Journal: Constant Technical Stare vs. Engaged Brain
Journal: Design Thinking for Government
Journal: Government Information Policy & Security Not Favoring the Public
Journal: Hybrid Hybrid Hybrid–Learn this Word
Journal: Information Arms Race
Journal: Integrity 101 for Presidential Aides
Journal: Obliviousness–and Lies–Kill Own’s Own
Journal: Police Chiefs Get Smart About Citizen Intelligence–As Called for by The Smart Nation Act
Journal: PowerShift–USA Elite Not Interested!
Journal: Race, Class, Money & Truth
Journal: The Intelligence War Not Fought
Reference: Information Strategy 101
Review: C3I–Issues of Command and Control
Review: Consilience–the Unity of Knowledge
Review: Don’t Bother Me Mom–I’m Learning!
Review: Here Comes Everybody–The Power of Organizing Without Organizations
Review: Mobilizing Minds–Creating Wealth From Talent in the 21st Century Organization
Review: Nation of Secrets–The Threat to Democracy and the American Way of Life
Review: Organizational Intelligence (Knowledge and Policy in Government and Industry)
Review: Panarchy–Understanding Transformations in Human and Natural Systems
Review: Reinventing Knowledge–From Alexandria to the Internet
Review: Report of the Commission on Protecting and Reducing Government Secrecy
Review: The Design of Business–Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage
Review: The Pirate’s Dilemma–How Youth Culture Is Reinventing Capitalism
Review: Understanding Knowledge as a Commons–From Theory to Practice
Search: five front war the better way to fight
Search: Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield
Search: Seven Tribes (now Eight Tribes)
Search: The Future of OSINT [is M4IS2-Multinational]
Worth a Look: Innovation Orientation
Worth a Look: Legislation Of, By, and For the Public
Worth a Look: Real-Time Intelligence (RTI)