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201910930 NEW:
Steele on Books & America: Love it or Lose it! FINAL & Published
Robert Steele: Book Reviews (Trump Era)
Older Meta Briefings:
2014 Robert Steele Answers to Richard Olivier on 21st Leadership with Annotated Bibliography & Links
Robert Steele: Online Review Books on Education, Intelligence, Research
Worth a Look: Democracy Lost & Found Essay, Book Review Blurbs and Links [Updated 7 January 2015]
Top-Level Collections of Reviews:
Worth a Look: Book Review Lists (Positive Future-Oriented)
Worth a Look: Book Review Lists (Negative Status-Quo)
Worth a Look: Recent Books on 10 High Level Threats
Worth a Look: Recent Books on 12 Core Policies
Worth a Look: Recent Books on 12 Major Political Players
Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Corruption 2.0
Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Democracy Lost & Found
Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Intelligence (Most)
Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Religion & the Politics of Religion
Worth a Look: Recent Books on Opens
Worth a Look: Recent Books on True Cost Economics
Worth a Look: 9/11 Books, DVDs, Videos, and Other
New Group of Book Review Categories Focused on Goodness
Complexity and Resilience (200)
Consciousness & Social IQ (300)
Cosmos & Destiny (39)
Democracy (277)
Electoral Reform USA (17)
Environment – Solution (161)
Information Society (260)
Intelligence – Collective and Quantum (120)
Intelligence – Public (341)
Intelligence – Spiritual (13)
Intelligence – Wealth of Networks (91)
Leadership (84)
Nature, Diet, Memetics, & Design (259)
Philosophy (166)
Religion and the Politics of Religion (133)
Survival & Sustainment (132)
Technology – Biomimicry and Clean (37)
True Cost and Toxicity (158)
Truth and Reconciliation (120)
Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution (334)
Voices Lost (Indigenous, Gender, Poor, Marginalized (242)
Water, Energy, Oil, Scarcity (120)
Books by all others as reviewed by Robert David STEELE Vivas (with some Guest reviews so marked):
To see recent reviews in reverse chronological order, click on Reviews (Books & DVD). Clicking on 6 Star Special or any of the other Star categories produces a similar result (most recent reviews in reverse chronological order) for that category only. NEW are the Remixed Book Lists (72) created in association with the new book INTELLIGENCE for EARTH.
Those interested in a single document with links that can be easily shared 37-page Annotated Bibliography covering 19 topics from Anti-Americanism to War & Waste. For the more comprehensive view, use the two lists of lists above, in the context of reading INTELLIGENCE for EARTH, which is both sold in hard-copy at Amazon and free online (with active links within). All of Robert's books less the Manifesto are free online here: Books w/Steele.
Books by Rating
6 Star (top ten percent across 2000+ books)
5 Star (totally satisfactory recommended without reservation)
4 Star (important contribution with some flaws)
3 Star (fragmentary contributions in a poor contextual work)
2 Star (a fractional contribution in annoyingly flawed context)
1 Star (toxic ignorance)
Below is the actual organization of Robert Steele's library (since donated to George Mason University, three specialty librarians were required to evaluate the breadth of the collection), but in the digital organization, we categorized books across multiple categories rather than just the “one place” in the hardcopy library. See Search Tips at end of list.
- 9-11 Truth Books & DVDs
- America (Anti-America)
- America (Founders, Current Situation)
- Association Management & Foundations
- Asymmetric, Cyber, Hacking, Odd War
- Atlases & State of the World
- Atrocities & Genocide
- Banking & Federal Reserve
- Best Practices in Management
- Budget Process & Politics
- Capitalism (Good & Bad)
- Censorship & Denial of Access
- Change & Innovation
- Civil Affairs
- Civil Society
- Communications
- Complexity & Catastrophe
- Complexity & Resilience
- Congress (Failure, Reform)
- Consciousness & Social IQ
- Corruption
- Cosmos & Destiny
- Country/Regional
- Crime (Corporate)
- Crime (Government)
- Crime (Organized, Transnational)
- Culture, DVD, Light
- Culture (Including Family, Society)
- Decision-Making & Decision-Support
- Democracy
- Diplomacy
- Disaster Relief
- Disease & Health
- DVDs (both Non-Fiction & Entertainment)
- Economics
- Education (General)
- Education (Universities)
- Electoral Reform
- Empire, Sorrows, Hubris, Blowback
- Environment (Problems)
- Environment (Solutions)
- Executive (Partisan Failure, Reform)
- Force Structure (Military)
- Foreign Language Books
- Foreign Language Text Books
- Future
- Games, Models, & Simulations
- Geography & Mapping
- History
- Humanitarian Assistance
- Impeachment & Treason
- Information Operations
- Information Society
- Information Technology
- Insurgency & Revolution
- Intelligence (Collective & Quantum)
- Intelligence (Commercial)
- Intelligence (Extra-Terrestrial)
- Intelligence (Government/Secret)
- Intelligence (Public)
- Intelligence (Reform Studies)
- Intelligence (Wealth of Networks)
- Iraq
- Justice (Failure, Reform)
- Leadership
- Media
- Military & Pentagon Power
- Misinformation & Propaganda
- Nature, Diet, Memetics, Design
- Naval War College Binders
- NDU (Publications)
- NDU (Reserve Course Blue Books)
- Peace, Poverty, & Middle Class
- Philosophy
- Photography Books (Countries)
- Politics
- Power (Pathologies & Utilization)
- Priorities
- Privacy
- Public Administration
- Religion & Politics of Religion
- Sailing (Offshore)
- Science & Politics of Science
- Secrecy & Politics of Secrecy
- Security (Including Immigration)
- Stabilization & Reconstruction
- Strategy
- Survival & Sustainment
- Technology (Bio-Mimicry, Clean)
- Terrorism (less Jihad)
- Threats (Emerging & Perennial)
- True Cost & Toxicity
- Truth & Reconciliation
- United Nations & NGOs
- Values, Ethics, Sustainable Evolution
- Voices Lost (Indigenous, Gender, Poor, Marginalized)
- War & Face of Battle
- Water, Energy, Oil, Scarcity
Te one other reviewer at Amazon that I pay attention to:
Herbert Calhoun: Top Non-Fiction Reviewer
Don't search for <cliff notes for ….>. Search instead for the title of the book, as much of it as possible, and ideally also including the author's last name. Use Amazon for the full title and grab the last name only of the author (that's the part that gets into the tag cloud).
The Unconquerable World: Power, Nonviolence, and the Will of the People
Part of the “delay” in getting to this (it came up about 20th when searching only for <unconquerable world>) is that once a book as priceless as this has been read, it is then listed as additional recommended reading for a whole lot of other books read afterwards.
You also get books read prior to “the” book that are recommended in that review. So all told, for the really great books that are central to the intellectual architecture we have been creating for 20 years, expect to see 20-40 listings, all helpful to building a broader picture for you around “the” book's core theme.
What this means is that searching for any given title ALSO brings up all the other books that have been deliberately related to the first book–a form of citation analysis exclusively focused on our concern with creating a prosperous world at peace. The point: be patient, and think about all the books you find on the way to “the” book.
Use the menu under Reviews to browse. The 98 categories were devised in 2005 when we took the entire library and re-sorted it in logical units. This is a library built for an iconoclastic strategist and decision-support professional. Use it!
NOTE: When Robert Steele joined the United Nations (UN), the entire library was donated to George Mason University (GMU), and their Gift section continues to receive all of the new books read and reviewed by Robert in the aftermath of that donation. They prefer books that have not been marked up, for those of you who might be inclined to retire your libraries to a new home at some point.