HAITI: The 2010 Earthquake

This initiative is a joint effort between Ushahidi, UN OCHA/Colombia and the International Network of Crisis Mappers (CM*Net). OCHA/Colombia recently deployed Ushahidi for an earthquake response excercise so we're very grateful for their invaluable contribution to this Haiti deployment. We're completing the customization of the platform as fast as we can. Please follow @Ushahidi on Twitter for updates and help spread the word, especially to colleagues inside Haiti. Please do contact us if you want to help. Our thoughts are with the people of Haiiti and with our humanitarian colleagues on the ground.
Structure effondres | Collapsed structure – Structures a risque | Structures at risk – Personnes prises au piege | People trapped — Route barree | Road blocked — 1. Urgences | Emergency — Seisme et repliques | Earthquake and aftershocks — 2. Menaces | Threats — Secours Medical | Medical response — 5. Autre | Other — 6. Nouvelles de Survivants | Survivor News — 4. Secours | Response — Recherche et sauvetage | USAR Search and Rescue — Sans courant | Power Outage — 3. Urgences logistiques | Vital Lines — Refuge | Shelter — Morts | Deaths
Phi Beta Iota: This is a very early look at how a Global to Local Range of Needs Table could be implemented.
See also:

Phi Beta Iota: Now imagine the Peace Jumpers distributing 20 Google Ground-Level GPS-Enabled 360 View Photo Bicyles that transmit to an immediately established Wide Area Network and then up to a circling AWACs. If we applied just 10% of DARPA's budget to steering and leveraging the global private sector–Google is not the only one with innovative ideas, by now we would have a Local Range of Needs Table down to individual and household levels, and could precision-drop “just enough, just in time” Peace from Above. The Navy is *always* 4-6 steaming days away from anything.
Huffington Post: Haiti Earthquake PICTURES, VIDEO: Photos Of The Disaster

Worth a Look: MapAction Emergency Deployment Service
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