Wonderful serach. We have some graphics and some books, and a couple of external links for you.
Graphic: Six Circles–Earth Intelligence Network Operational Concept
Graphic: Epoch B Multinational Network Rising
Review: Evolutionary Activism by Tom Atlee
Review: Nonzero–The Logic of Human Destiny
Review: The Compassionate Instinct–The Science of Human Goodness
Review: Philosophy and the Social Problem–The Annotated Edition
Wikipedia Memetic engineering is a term developed and coined by Leveious Rolando, John Sokol, and Gibran Burchett while they researched and observed the behavior of people after being purposely exposed (knowingly and unknowingly) to certain memetic themes. The term is based on Richard Dawkins‘ theory of memes.
- The process of developing memes, through meme-splicing and memetic synthesis, with the intent of altering the behavior of others in society or humanity.
- The process of creating and developing theories or ideologies based on an analytical study of societies, cultures, their ways of thinking and the evolution of their minds.
- The process of modifying human beliefs, thought patterns, etc.
Phi Beta Iota: Memetics is NOT propaganda and it cannot be imposed from the top down It is more like righteous statecraft, treating philosophy with respect and using education the way it should be, a means of empowering the collective public to self-govern by being fully self-aware. Memes are a form of cultural memory of what works.
More below the fold.
Graphic: 360 Degree View of the Frog
Graphic: A Short Story-Terrorism as a Boil
Graphic: Information Pathologies
Graphic: Integrity in All Respects
Graphic: Strategic Analytic Matrix
Graphic: Intelligence Maturity Scale
Graphic: Whole of Government Intelligence
Graphic: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) 102 (Right Way)
Graphic: Robert Steele Adopts Buckminster Fuller
Graphic: Web of Fragmented Knowledge
Graphic: Intelligence Management of Bad Data
Review: The Vanishing of a Species? A Look at Modern Man’s Predicament by a Geologist (Hardcover)
Review: Holistic Darwinism: Synergy, Cybernetics, and the Bioeconomics of Evolution
Review: Not by Genes Alone: How Culture Transformed Human Evolution