Reference: David Moore on Sense-Making

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Phi Beta Iota: David Moore is one of a tiny handful of pioneers that remain employed within the US Intelligence Community, but like Carmen Medina, Carol Dumaine, Andy Shepard and others, the “establishment” cannot comprehend anything anti-thetical to business as usual.  This is a good book, it merits careful study, along with the works of Jack Davis, who remains the dean of the US intelligence analytic cadre.  Sadly, it cannot make up for the hiring of young people with limited real-world experience and virtually no substantive foreign language, culture, and history knowledge; it cannot make up for a collection system that is insanely criminal; and it cannot make up for a security system that is criminally insane, excluding deep broad M4IS2 as an option.  The secret world is dead, they just have not been buried yet.

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