Creating a Smart Nation–and a World Brain–demands the participation of all of the people all of the time.
Below sorted by year and then alphabetically. To view in reverse chronological order from most recent to oldest, click here: Historic Contributions (253).
To access all contributions in the legacy archive, visit: Access OSINT Archives
ALL LINKS FIXED. Explanation: when this page was first created, Microsoft Word was used to sort everything alphabetically. In that time, Microsoft had a bug and the sort did not carry the links with them. All links have now been fixed. Apologies for not noticing this sooner, no one complained.
To view all contributions from over 800 international participants in the battle to establish intelligence with integrity as a local to global standard, view the varied tables at Access OSS.Net Archives.
A story board from this list is provided at 2013 Story Board: Improving Decision-Support — Analytic Sources, Models, Tools, & Tradecraft.
1957 Quincy Wright (US) Project for a World Intelligence Center
1989 Al Gray (US) on Global Intelligence Challenges
1989 Horn (US) Reference: Mapping Hypertext
1989 Webb (US) CATALYST: Computer-Aided Tools for the Analysis of Science & Technology
1989 Worth a Look: 1989 All-Source Fusion Analytic Workstation–The Four Requirements Documents
1990 Handbook: First Earth Battalion Field Manual
1990 Reference (Video): Lewis Mumford Four Short Videos
1991 Leavitt (US) Reference: The Analyst and Technology–2000
1992 Barlow (US) Information Wants to Be Free
1992 Clift (US) on Open Source Solutions
1992 Dedijer (SE) OSS, Intelligence, and Secrecy
1992 Donahue (US) “There is PLENTY of Money for Open Source”
1992 Fedanzo (US) Distributed Contribution Model for OSINT
1992 Holden-Rhodes (US) Unlocking the Secrets–Open Source Intelligence and the War on Drugs
1992 Hutchinson (UK) on Rumor of War–Open Source Data in an Unstable World
1992 National Intelligence Council: Open Source Task Force–A Vision for the Future
1992 Ogdin (US) Words Are Not Enough
1992 Pedtke (US) et al Open Source Activities (S&T)
1992 Rheingold (US) Migrating Intelligence to the Public
1992 Shepard (US) Intelligence Analysis in the Year 2002
1992 Sibbit (US) Commercial Remote Sensing–Open Source Imagery Intelligence
1992 Strassmann (US) on Defense Information Productivity
1992 Studeman (US) on Teaching the Giant to Dance
1992 Wallner (US) on OSINT and the IC–Myths and Realities
1992 Whitney-Smith (US) on Information Revolutions
1993 (FR) Baumard on Learned Nations
1993 Alvin Toffler on National Knowledge Power
1993 Bonthous (FR) on Culture: The Missing Intelligence Variable
1993 Civille (US) The Spirit of Access
1993 Fedanzo (US) A Genetic View of National Intelligence
1993 Greenwald (US) The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization: Diplomacy’s Cutting Edge
1993 Herring (US) The Role of Intelligence in Formulating Strategy
1993 Karraker (US) Highways of the Mind
1993 On Defense & Intelligence–The Grand Vision
1993 Petersen A New Twenty-First Century Role for the Intelligence Community
1993 Shumpei Kumon (JP) From Wealth to Wisdom: A Change in the Social Paradigm
1993 Whitney-Smith Toward An Epistemology of Peace
1994 Basch (US) Secrets of the Super-Searchers
1994 Collier (UK) Future of the Information Industry and a New Information Paradigm
1994 Engelbart (US) Toward High-Performance Organizations: A Strataegic Role for Groupware
1994 Ogdin (US) and Giser (US) on Cyberglut
1995 Bender (US) The Information Highway: Will Librarians Be Left by the Side of the Road?
1995 Bjore (SE) Six Years of Open Source Information (OSI) Lessons Learned
1995 Ivian Smith (US) on US Intelligence Community Deficiencies
1995 Lucas (US) Community Open Source Program Office (COSPO)
1995 Markowitz (US) Community Open Source Program Office (COSPO)
1995 Markowitz (US) Community Open Source Program Office (COSPO) Strategic Plan
1995 Shepard (US) Reference: Error Management in US Intelligence
1995 Shepard (US) Reference: Keeping a Watchful Eye on Incoming Information, at Less Cost
1995 Shepard (US) Reference: Meeting the Immediate Needs of Intelligence Consumers
1996 Call (US) Day to Day Realities and Myths Regarding Financial Research Using Open Sources
1996 Clerc (FR) The French Model for Economic and Financial Intelligence
1996 Donnelly (US) Open Source Intelligence in the Information Age: Opportunities and Challenges
1996 Roger (AU) Open Source Strategies for Law Enforcement
1996 Strassmann (US) U.S. Knowledge Assets: Choice Traget for Information Crime
1996 Zuckerman (US) Economic Intelligence and the National Interest
1997 Andrew (UK) Presidents, Secret Intelligence, and Open Sources
1997 Arnold (US) Technology Vectors 1998 and Beyond
1997 Botbol (FR) The Open Source Revolution: Early Failures and Future Prospects
1997 Davis (US) A Compendium of Analytic Tradecraft Notes
1997 Herman (UK) Has the (Secret) Community a Future?
1997 Kelly (US) New Rules for the New Economy
1997 Kerr (US) The Intelligence Community Today and Tomorrow
1997 Mayer-Kress (GE) The World Brain
1997 Pinchot (US) Beyond Bureaucracy: The Rise of the Intelligence Organization
1997 Sutton (US) The Challenge of Global Coverage
1998 Arnold (US) New Trends in Automated Intelligence Gathering Software
1998 Arnold (US) The Changing Intelligence Environment
1998 Arnold (US) The Future of Online Sources & Methods
1998 Cailloux (BE) Belgian Intelligence Oversight and Strategic Opportunities for Change
1998 Clerc (FR) Economic Intelligence
1998 Dearth (US) Government and the Information Marketplace
1998 Donahue (US) Geographic Information for the 21st Century: Building a Strategy for the Nation
1998 Glabus (US) Metaphors and Modern Threats: Biological, Computer, and Cognitive Viruses
1998 Politi (IT), Becher (DE) et al, Toward a European Intelligence Policy (Chaillot Paper 34)
1998 Prinslow (US) & Bond (US) Information Sharing in Humanitarian Emergencies: Workshop Report
1998 Schlickmann (DE) Ensuring Trust and Security in Electronic Communication
1999 Appleby (US) Feedback: The Missing Link in Information Superiority
1999 Coile (US) Preparing for and Coping with Local Disasters: An Information Overlay
1999 Connors (US) JV2010 Initiative: Virtual Information Center (VIC) US Pacific Command J-08
1999 Dearth (US) Peacekeeping in the Information Age
1999 Edwards (UK) Scotland Yard SO11 Open Source Unit Presentation
1999 Heidenrich (US) Early Warning of Genocide: The Utlity of Open Sources & Methods
1999 Lejeune (BE) Open Source Intelligence: The INTERPOL Experience
1999 Marks (US) UN/OCHA Joint Proposal for IRIN and ReliefWeb Activities and Funding in 1999
1999 Rollington (UK) Messages in Western Information, Knowledge and Intelligence
1999 Wing (AU) Optimising Open Source Information Sharing in Australia
1999 Wirtz (US) Bridging the Cultural Gap: Open Source Intelligence and the Tet Offensive
2000 Asbeck (DE) Western European Union (WEU) Satellite Centre
2000 Budzko (RU) The Russian Viewpoint on Electronic Open Source Technologies
2000 Charters (CA) OSINT for Peace Support Operations: Perspectives from UN Operations
2000 Cox (CA) Reflections of the former NATO Deputy N-2
2000 Ermarth (US) Open Source Intelligence: A Fresh Look at the Past and the Future
2000 Farace (NL) Gray Literature
2000 George (BE) Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) Developments: A Belgian Situation Report
2000 Hughes (US) Open Sources and Intelligent Solutions
2000 Mueller (AT) Some Thoughts on Open Source
2000 Mulschlegel (EU) EUROPOL’s Open Sources & Documentation Unit
2000 Politi (IT) The Birth of OSINT in Italy
2000 Reynolds (US) Global Reach without Global Intelligence
2000 Sandman (US) Applied Human Intellect: Interpreting the Data Bits
2001 Chester (CA) Shaping Intelligence for the Future
2001 Dumaine (US) Global Futures Partnership “Are You Ready”
2001 Foster (US) Getting to Tomorrow: A Plea for Strategic Reformation
2001 Gessaman (US) Understanding the Federal Budget–If It Is Not in the Budget, It is Not Policy
2001 Godson (US) Governments and Gangs
2001 Heibel (US) Intelligence Training and the Difference Between Information and Intelligence
2001 Jongman (NL) World Conflict & Human Rights Map
2001 Oakley (US) The Use of Military & Civilian Power for Engagement and Intervention
2001 Porter (US) Tools of the Trade: A Long Way to Go
2001 Rotheray (UK) New Risks of Crisis: Fresh Perspectives from Open Source
2001 Treverton (US) Reshaping National Intelligence in an Age of Information
2001 Wallach Public Citizen Using Public Intelligence in the Public Interest
2002 Arnold (US) Nomadic Computing: Anytime, Anyplace Access
2002 Betts (US) The Next Intelligence Failure: The Limits of Prevention
2002 Bjore (SE) InfoSphere Knowledge Making Sense
2002 Creveld (IL) Twenty-Four Theses on Intelligence
2002 Davis (US) Leadership in Intelligence Analysis (August 2002)
2002 Fyffe (CA) Synopsis of A Canadian Perspective on Global Issues
2002 Henk (US) Respecting the Cultural Dimension: Intelligence and Africa
2002 Hock (US) The World of Information: Content, Content, and Content
2002 Jongman (NL) World Conflict & Human Rights Map 2001/2002
2002 Klavans (US) Tomorrow’s Hotspots: Identifying Commercial Opportunities from Science
2002 Lee (US) Geospatial Information Sources: A Global Primer
2002 Moore (US) & Krizan (US) Core Competencies for Intelligence Analysts
2002 Pinkham (US) Citizen Advocacy in the Information Age
2002 Politi (IT) The 11th of September and the Future of European Intelligence
2002 Vickers (US) Inconvenient Warning
2002 Wheaton (US) Transitions From Authoritarian Rule: An Iterative Model
2002 Wheaton (US) Virtual Afghanistan
2003 Andregg (US) State of the Academic Tribe in 2003
2003 Arnold (US) One Machine…One View
2003 Copeland (US) Is the “New Terrorism” Really New? An Analysis of the New Paradigm for Terrorism
2003 Czech The Steady State Revolution for National Security and International Stability
2003 Davis (US) Analytic Paradoxes: Can Open Source Intelligence Help?
2003 Fyffe (CA) Intelligence Sharing and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
2003 Hardee (US) Special Operations Panel on Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
2003 Harris (US) Beautiful Minds (Ralph Peters, Maverick Analyst)
2003 Hock (US) The Open-ness of the Open Internet
2003 Lewis (UNIDIR) Creating the Global Brain: The United Nations
2003 Manwaring (US) War & Conflict: Six Generations
2003 Markowitz (US) Open Source in Support to All-Source Intelligence
2003 Pelton (US) World’s Most Dangerous Places
2003 Reuser (NL) on Intelligence Librarian Tradecraft
2004 (US) Spinney Water and the Arab-Israeli Conflict
2004 Arnold (US) New Opportunities: Update on New Technology
2004 Atlee (US) Beyond Intelligence Reform: Shifting from Intelligence to Co-Intelligence
2004 Bjorgo (NO) Root Causes of Terrorism
2004 Gill (US) Open Wireless Spectrum and Democracy
2004 Kaplan (US) The Saudi Connection: How billions in oil money spawned a global terror network
2004 Marlatt (US) Military Librarianship in an Academic Environment
2004 Mazzafro (US) Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and Global Issues
2004 Mutton (CA) on OSINT Burden Sharing
2004 Palmer (US) Achieving Universal Democracy by Eliminating All Dictators within the Decade
2004 Pelton (US) Value-added Citizen Blogs, Forums, and Wars
2004 Ray (US) Values in America and the New Political Compass
2004 Simmons (US) Draft Legislation Smart Nation Act
2004 Tongeren (NL) A Need for a Global Alliance for Human Security
2004 Vlahos (US) The Muslim Renovatio and US Strategy
2005 Simmons (US) Puts Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) into Intelligence Reform Legislation
2006 Arnold (US) Google and Sharing Across Boundaries
2006 Echo Chamber Project Focus on OSS '06
2006 Lederman (US) Deep Web Access to All Information in All Languages All the Time
2006 Pelton (US) Recommends The Changing Face of Global Violence
2006 Reuser (NL) on Virtual Open Source Agency
2006 Simmons (US) Policy Preface to Information Operations (IO) Book
2006 Steele Interview on Echo Chamber 2006
2006 Sutton (US) Global Coverage, Looking Backward, Looking Forward
2006 Turnbull (US) on Collaboration & Sharing
2008 Paul Ray The Political Compass (Updated)
2009 Arnold Google: The Digital Gutenberg
2009 Paul Ray New Emerging Culture in the USA
2010 Warner (US) Handbook: Synergy Strike Force, Round II
2010 Warner (US) UnityNet — an M4IS2 Option
2011 Atlee (US): Our Choice–Changing the Game
2011 Dumain (US): Who’s Who in Public Intelligence
2011 Garigue (CA): Who's Who in Cyber-Intelligence
2011 Reuser (NL): OSINT Discovery Toolkit