Berto Jongman: Declarations of Jihadi Organizations

09 Terrorism, Academia
Berto Jongman

Global Terrorism Research Project

Haverford College

Welcome to the Global Terrorism Research Project, a product of the Political Science department at Haverford College. Professor Barak Mendelsohn oversees the project supported by a team of student researchers. The site consists of two sections, resources and the al-Qaeda Statements Index. The resources section of our website contains a compilation of links to various other useful websites that provide information on terrorism and international security. This portion of the website contains links to books, primary sources, data sources, journal indexes, news, blogs, research sites, research portals and resources for students. The al-Qaeda Statements Index is a long term project that consists of a comprehensive collection of statements released by al-Qaeda since 1994. This section also includes biographical information on authors affiliated with al-Qaeda who have a significant number of statements indexed.

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