Eagle: People’s Tri-Fecta: SOPA, Keystone, Wisconsin

300 Million Talons...

Occupy Wall Street looms over wins vs. SOPA bill, oil pipeline and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker

Juan Gonzalez

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS, January 19 2012

This nation’s fast-growing populist movement against unbridled corporate power scored an astonishing trifecta this week.

In the span of just a few hours on Wednesday, three vastly different protest movements all achieved startling success the same way: by mobilizing the fury of tens of thousands of ordinary citizens.

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By the end of the day, several stunned senators and congressmen who had originally supported the legislation — including both Democrats and Republicans — had jumped ship, and the bills in their current forms now seem dead.
Phi Beta Iota:  What is NOT happening is a coalescence of Tea Party, Occupy, Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich supporters, and independents.  This should all be a dry run for first demanding Electoral Reform Act of 2012, and then electing We the People Reform Coalition.

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