Voters Choice: Ron Paul, Bibi Netanyahu, or Stephen Colbert?

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Voters Choice: Ron Paul or Bibi Netanyahu

William A. Cook

VeteransToday, 15 January 2012

A curious glance at the current crop of presidential candidates makes it clear that Ron Paul stands alone when it comes to the issue of US engagement in foreign wars. He stands with George Washington against foreign entanglements while the rest of the candidates stand with Teddy Roosevelt and the attempted creation of America’s first empire one hundred and twelve years ago. Mark Twain responded to that effort by creating the Anti-imperialist society while he caustically satirized the effort in his depiction of the massacre of the Moros in the Philippines. Now we have more massacres, using drones instead of canons, on equally hapless civilians who are caught unawares or hiding from the wrath of America’s righteousness as we drive to bring virtue to a primitive world.

Today America has an estimated 700 military installations in about 140 nations around the world; its bases surround Iran as does its nuclear capability, and it is engaged in executive “wars” in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Palestine. All of this while carrying a debt that exceeds thirteen trillion dollars, cutting budgets in education, medical care and social security, and retaining a Pentagon budget that exceeds that of the 16 declared developed nations combined. And to top it all off, we are considering armed aggression against Iran that could plunge America into the biggest war since WW II. Why?

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  There is also Stephen Colbert, co-sponsor of the Rally to Restore Sanity.

See Also:

Journal: It Takes a Comic (or Two)…to Rebuild a Nation

Journal: Third Party Desired by 58% in America + ReCap

Reference: Rally to Restore Sanity–An American Moment

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