Steele on Electoral Reform- Part 12: The Stakeholders
As a result of the viral video on electoral reform out of my briefing to the Occupy NYC working group on electoral reform, a number of stakeholders got in touch with me. Others I have identified via searches for major civil society elements with defined electoral reform programs.
Below are the ones I have identified. They can also be seen, with their logos, at Directory of Activist Individuals & Organizations (USA). I welcome nominations for others to be added to this list, and I must say up front, that while some of these were quick to give me their inputs for the Act itself, all of them, without exception, have failed to respond to my letters seeking their assistance in moving toward a Statement of Demand being read publicly soon, ideally on President’s Day.
American Association of People with Disabilities VOTE Project Among other objectives we promote political participation for people with disabilities.
American Civil Liberties Union Voting Rights Ballot Access» Election Reform» Redistricting» Voter Disfranchisement» Voting Rights Act»
Americans United to Rebuild Democracy An Alliance Between Conservatives & Progressives For Fundamental Election Reform
Ballot Access News The long-standing and comprehensive monitor for all ballot access news.
Center for Democracy & Election Management (American University) The mission of the Center for Democracy and Election Management (CDEM) is to provide education, research and public engagement on the full range of democracy issues in the United States and around the world.
Center for Election Science We are a nonpartisan not-for-profit organization made up of engineers, mathematicians, and voting theorists. We educate the public based on our study of voting theory. Voting theory looks at the way votes are expressed and calculated.
Center for Voting and Democracy FairVote acts to transform our elections to achieve secure access to participation for all, a full spectrum of meaningful ballot choices and majority rule with fair representation. As a catalyst for change, we build support for innovative strategies to win a constitutionally protected right to vote, universal voter registration, a national popular vote for president, instant runoff voting and proportional voting.
Century Foundation / Electoral Reform Progressive ideas that advance security, opportunity, and equality. We co-sponsored the National Commission on Federal Election Reform and contributed to the Help America Vote Act. All Our Electoral Reform Items
Citizens in Charge The organization works with activists, legislators, media, opinion leaders and voters to protect the initiative and referendum process where it exists in 26 states and to expand the process to the 26 states where voters currently lack that right.
Coalition For Free and Open Elections We champion the principle, “Full and fair access to the electoral process is a right central to democracy.”
Commission on Federal Election Reform Issued report in September 2005 with 87 recommendations Summary of RecommendationsFull Report
Committee for a United Independent Party We are a national strategy, communications, and organizing center working to connect and empower the 40% of Americans who identify themselves as independents.
Common Cause We stand up for ordinary people, root out corruption in the halls of power, and lead a true citizen’s movement to fight for a government that works for all of us—not the special interests.
Constitution Party Join the Constitution Party in its work to restore our government to its Constitutional limits.
Electoral Knowledge Network The ACE network promotes credible, and transparent electoral processes with emphasis on sustainability, professionalism and trust in the electoral process.
Free and Equal Elections Foundation The Free & Equal Elections Foundation is a non-partisan, non-profit public policy advocacy group dedicated to election reform and improving ballot access laws in the United States.
Free Speech for People This Amendment to the U.S. Constitution will put an end to the ridiculous idea that corporations are people.
Green Party We stand for democracy, social justice, and both ecological and economic sustainability.
Kevin Kipp VIDEO: Gerrymandering ExplainedVIDEO: The Alternative Vote ExplainedVIDEO: The Problems with First Past the Post Voting Explained
Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law Legal Mobilization Redistricting Voter Registration Modernization Voting Rights
Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Voting Rights Women’s Rights Workers’ Rights
League of Women Voters We work to educate and register voters, and to improve elections and government.
Libertarian Party We are the third largest party in the USA. We believe all individuals can freely exercise the natural right of sole dominion over their own lives, liberty and property.
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund Safeguarding the voice of Latino voices, working to protect the rights of all voters having unimpeded access to the polls.
National Association for the Advancement Of Colored People Voter Fund NVF has embraced the challenge of registering, educating and turning out thousands of new African-American voters.
National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials Census 2010 Profiles The Latino Vote Redistricting 2011
National Coalition on Black Civic Participation Black Youth Vote Black Women’s Roundtable Voices of the Electorate Civic Engagement & Voter Empowerment Big Vote Training Academy
National Committee for Voting Integrity In keeping with the goal of public election administration we are working to ensure that election systems preserve the secret ballot, accuracy, privacy, integrity, and the proper tabulation of the voter’s intent regardless of his or her physical condition, language of origin, or literacy ability.
National Council of La Raza Focus on discrimination including voting.
Occupy NYC Politics & Electoral Reform Working Group Devoted to brainstorming recommendations for political and electoral reform.
People for the American Way Thousands of eligible Americans still experience challenges at the polls in part due to an organized effort to disenfranchise voters.
Public Campaign ($) Public Campaign is a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to sweeping campaign reform that aims to dramatically reduce the role of big special interest money in American politics.
Public Citizen ($) The best and most comprehensive reform is voluntary public financing of all federal elections where candidates have strong incentives to replace private money with public funding.
Reform Party We stand for ethics and reform across the electoral system and government to include a reformed tax system, a balanced budget, and the promotion of jobs for citizens.
US Public Interest Research Groups (PIRGs) Elections & Government Reform New Voters Project Fair & Open Elections Campaign Finance Reform Lobby Reform
Verified Voting Foundation Computer and network security experts are virtually unanimous in pointing out that online voting is an exceedingly dangerous threat to the integrity of U.S. elections. There is no way to guarantee that the security, privacy, and transparency requirements for elections can all be met with any practical technology in the foreseeable future.
Wikipedia / Electoral Reform Electoral reform is change in electoral systems to improve how public desires are expressed in election results.
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Next: Part 13: Overview of The Ethics