20120801 Open Source Everything Highlights

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Open Source Everything

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TODAY’S HIGHLIGHTS:  All Opens Below Line  Includes Autonomous Internet, Crowd-Funding/Sensing/Sourcing, DIY, and Transparency, Truth, Trust, & True Cost

Autonomous Internet

Hackers developing satellite system for ‘uncensorable Internet in space’


Destination: Home and Housing 1000 Use Social Media and Crowd Funding to Help the Homeless

iAMscientist Launches to Provide a Crowdfunding Platform for Science, Technology, and Medicine

New crowd-funding venture BankToTheFuture.com set to launch


Cape Town Tourism campaign uses crowd-sourcing to clock over 13 million impressions on Twitter

Civic Engagement and Open Innovation

Crowdsourcing a Crisis Map of the Beijing Floods: Volunteers vs Government

Crowdsourcing as catalyst for change

Crowdsourcing: FLOW's Most Dangerous Intersections

Forest Fire Prevention Gets Boost From Crowdsourcing

HipGeo launches new crowd-sourcing app

Human Workers, Managed by an Algorithm

Image annotation combines machine vision and crowd-sourcing

Launcht Profiled in Crowdsourcing.org

Moving Academic Research Out of the Ivory Tower & Into the Crowd

Netflix opens crowd-sourcing of subtitles on a small scale

Satellite images, crowdsourcing emerge as resource in search for missing climbers


7-10 Nov 2012 South Africa Berlin 10 Open Access Conference Networked scholarship in a networked world: participation in Open Access

FOSS / FLOSS / F/OSS / Libre

Compliance Lab in the news

Cropping (lossless) JPEGs with CropGUI. Simplicity Itself

LibreOffice: CentOS gets a desktop remix with Stella 6.3

LibreOffice: Dia Does Diagrams Dutifully and Beautifully

Miami court grants HTC request to transfer Apple's claims to Delaware — Motorola might benefit

Richard Stallman slates Valve's Linux games plans

Take My Money, Please! The Strange Case of Free Web Services

Open Source (General)

Investment Incentives in Proprietary and Open-Source Two-Sided Platforms

Rackspace CEO: ‘We’re playing a different game’ than Amazon

Open Access

A Missed Opportunity By The FCC In Ruling Against Verizon

Hot STM Topics in 21 New Open Access Books

How we launched open-access physiotherapy

New Refinance Changes From Freddie Mac Will Change the Way Lenders Refinance for More Borrowers

New Sensus Demand Response Offering to be Enabled by OATI WebDistribute

Nigeria: Way to Nigeria's Broadband Future, By Johnson, Juwah, Others

Open Access Education and ‘south-south’ cooperation

Open Access Visibility Statistics for Clinical Medicine Insights: Trauma and Intensive Medicine

Read about PeerJ, a new open access publisher

Registration is now open for the Berlin 10 Open Access Conference!

Scientific Linux 6.3 RC1 Comes With LibreOffice

UF Open Access Publishing Fund (UFOAP) continues in FY 2012-2013

University of Massachusetts Medical School Open Access Policy

Open Architecture

Ecoscape by Open Source Architecture

Open Architecture Challenge Winners

Open-Source Architecture: Can It Work?

Open Cloud

AppFog Collaborates with Rackspace to Support Open Cloud Ecosystem

Feds open cloud list to supplier bids

Open Cloud And The Open Cloud Initiative

OpenStack goes public and starts fight for Cloudy hearts and minds

Rackspace Debuts OpenStack Cloud Servers

Rackspace Finally Goes Public with OpenStack Cloud Servers

Rackspace Launches OpenStack Amazon Cloud Rival

Rackspace Open Cloud Offers Easily Scalable Computing — and Freedom From Vendor Lock-in

Rackspace releases Open Cloud

The Rackspace Open Cloud: Better, Faster, More Affordable

Uhuru’s AppCloud Ready To Go service targets developers who want to write applications that span the .NET and open source worlds. The PaaS runs atop Cloud Foundry and supports Java, Ruby, PHP, Node.js as well as Microsoft .NET, the company says.

Open Communication

Building Trust Through Honesty and Open Communication

The Meanings of “Open Communication” Among Couples Coping with a Cardiac Event

(YouTube 33:00) Open Communication [heavy Jesus factor]

Open Culture

Breath, Voice & Awareness

My Chris Marker tribute post for Open Culture

Paris in (Stop) Motion

Open Data

Fueling Education Innovation with Open Data

Government must stop dumping unworkable raw data, say MPs

Government slammed over release of shoddy open data sets

Government’s transparency agenda on open data: ‘more work to do’

Help public understand government data, urge MPs

Is Open Data Making an Impact?

Official data must be easier to understand, say MPs

Open Data: Call For Clarity Over Government's Transparency Agenda

Open Data for a Clean, Secure Energy Future

Open data must do more for businesses, report finds

Public accounts committee slams public sector organisations over open data

Public Accounts Committee urges government to make case for free open data

Thinking about Open Data, with a little help from the Data Hub

Open Democracy

See it like Putin

Open Design

Android app store criticized for open design

Open Ecosystem

AppFog Collaborates with Rackspace to Support Open Cloud Ecosystem

Open Education

40 Open Education Resources You Should Know About http://bit.ly/LUYEBP  via @edudemic #OER

UNESCO Establish Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP)

UNESCO Releases the 2012 Paris OER Declaration at the World Open Education Resources (OER) Congress


OpenFlow tutorial for cloud providers

Service providers eager to buy into SDN market

Open Geospatial

Blighty's coolest mapper will flog its stuff to global buyers

HipGeo launches new crowd-sourcing app

Open Government

(DC) Digital Government – Open standards for Innovation

(NH) Attorney general rules Northampton officials violated Open Meeting Law

(NM)  Here is the latest New Mexico news from The Associated Press

(NY) Cartoon: Andrew Cuomo's open government plans

(NY) Committee on Open Government says Sweden town court violated the law

(UK) Open government is here to stay, like it or not

(US)  Open Impact Challenge: Spread the Word

Open Hardware

MIDIpal is an Open Box for Doing Stuff with Notes and Sequences and Things [Gallery, Interview]

PhantomLink Provides Open-Source Alarm Monitoring Solution

Open Innovation

Civic Engagement and Open Innovation

Digital Government – Open standards for Innovation

Force for fundraising

Heineken seeks draught ideas

Trelleborg Sealing Solutions is Looking for Ideas: Launching the Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Innovation Award

Why Open Innovation Could Be Marissa Mayer’s Downfall At Yahoo!

Open Maps

HipGeo launches new crowd-sourcing app

Open Materials

Catarina Mota on the Open Materials Movement

Open Media

Open Media Project 2.0 Software for Public Access Television Providers Announced at 2012 Alliance for Community Media Conference and Exhibition in Chicago

Open Meetings

(California)  Is Brown (Act) Out in California? Time May Tell

(Illinois) Attorney General’s office raps city’s knuckles over Smart Grid hearings

(Illinois) District 308 Board Hears Report on Open Meetings Act Violations

(Illinois) Naperville acknowledges open meetings violation but disputes other findings

(Illinois) New rules, but no action on Oswego meetings violation

(Illinois) Our view: Law requires more info 
on agendas

(New York)  Board skirts Open Meetings Law

(Ohio) The Public's Business: Local Governments Should Know, Comply With Open-Records Law

(South Dakota) Task force formed on SD open records, meetings

Open Mobile

London Olympics ban open mobile hotspot functionality

OpenTripPlanner Mobile App for iPhone Kickstarter campaign – some of your questions answered.

Open Plans

OpenTripPlanner Mobile App for iPhone Kickstarter campaign – some of your questions answered.

Open Records

(California) Court: Agencies can't refuse to find records

(California) The AQMD turns down Bono Mack’s open records request

(Iowa)  The Register's editorial: Court gets it wrong on discipline records

(Pennsylvania)  Our opinion: How to contact Gov. (Redacted)

(Pennsylvania)  Rep. White's open records appeal denied

(Rhode Island)  Government records more open following changes this year

(South Dakota) Task force formed on SD open records, meetings

Open Religion

In Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V we trust: File-sharing made an official Swedish religion

Open Repositories

Open Repositories Pecha Kucha

Open Science

Let's play ASHG 2012 title imputation! (+open science miscellanea)

Open Skies

Open Skies Agreement Should Facilitate Travel Between Israel and Europe

Why ‘Open Skies’ is not right for the Isle of Man

Open Society

Echoing Green: Creating an Ecosystem for Social Enterprises

The Case for Coherent Policy on Marijuana in Uruguay

Open Software

Alert: What's Coming for Open Source CMS in August 2012

DornerWorks Wins SBIR Phase II Award to Develop Open-Source Hypervisor

Open Source Asterisk Leader Kevin Fleming Leaving Project

Open source Chaos Monkey brings order to cloud

Open source traffic simulation written in Java

PhantomLink Provides Open-Source Alarm Monitoring Solution

Zurmo Open Source CRM GA Release Goes Around the World in 80 Days

Open Space

Technological Optimism – Open Space Technology Breakout Session

Open Standards

City of Tulsa Open Source Policy

Digital Government – Open standards for Innovation

Open Standards for Parallel Processing and Data Visualization

Rackspace releases Open Cloud

Transparency, Truth & Trust

The ITU takes a (half-measured) step towards transparency

Trust requires more than government telling the truth

True Cost

Letters: Tallying the true cost of coal

Recent Corporate Aircraft Litigation Raises SEC Perquisite Disclosure Issues

True cost of Homebrew


BarCamp Eastwick: how we went “unconference”

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Nominate additional Opens or related concepts to include in the daily Highlights, via email to robert.david.steele.vivas [at] gmail [dot] com.

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