To put Sandy in perspective, the number of mid- to long-term dislocated is 40,000, as compared to 700,000 for Katrina.
NYC Needs Housing for 40,000 as New Storms Bear Down
Damage from Hurricane Sandy means New York may need to find shelter or new homes for as many as 40,000 people, at least half of whom live in public housing, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said.
That total, a worst-case scenario, may get reduced by half as power is restored, he said at a news conference.
Phi Beta Iota: Meanwhile, Haiti appears for help after Sandy, and there has been no accounting from the Red Cross for all the money it collected, ostensibly for Haiti, the last time around….roughly $248 million is the amount not accounted for, our of $354 million donated.
See Also:
Is Occupy Wall Street Outperforming the Red Cross in Hurricane Relief?