Hopefully all of you opened the first returned hit, Mongoose: BIll Clinton Wrong on Mass Shootings and found what you were looking for, Graphic: Preconditions of Revolution in the USA Today. For reasons we do not understand, the search always works better at Google with or without source=phibetaiota, taking you directly to the sought-for link. In WordPress, the sought-for link comes up LAST, after all of the other posts that have included the link as a “See Also.”
Yes, the USA is in a state of absolute readiness for a revolution across the board, a “Great Revolution” that is transformative, that flushes the two-party tyranny down the toilet, that puts the Wall Street bankers in jail, that outs and retires all of the traitors now serving who consider themselves above the law in part because the Attorney Journal and the Director of the FBI are with them.
HOWEVER: preconditions do not a revolution make. For that one needs a precipitant. The Tunesian fruit seller is an example. Leah Lynn Plante was not mistreated badly enough to qualify, but as her photograph shows so clearly, she is the antithesis of the corrupt government we have now. We continue to seek a soccer mom willing to torch herself on the steps of Capitol Hill after first posting a YouTube call to action. Positive change is coming!