Howard Rheingold: 19 June – 26 July Think-Know Tools Webinar

Culture, Knowledge
Howard Rheingold
Howard Rheingold

I'm offering Think-Know Tools again June 19 -July 26. All the details about what we'll co-learn, the schedule, missions, how we go about participative and collaborative learning, can be found at  Price is $300 via PayPal. $250 if you've taken a Rheingold U course before ($200 if you've taken two courses, etc.). $500 if your company reimburses.

It's all about the theory and practice of personal knowledge management. We'll look at the theory and conceptual frameworks around intellect augmentation and the extended mind. We'll also actively practice social bookmarking as a collective intelligence activity, concept mapping, and building knowledge-plexes with Personal Brain (you can see the web-brain version of the syllabus at )

Feel free to contact me about questions. Participation is limited to 30 co-learners, so let me know soon if you want me to reserve a place for you.

Please feel free to forward to anyone who might be interested.


Howard Rheingold
what it is —> is —>up to us

Financial Liberty at Risk-728x90
