John Maguire: Frank Znidarsic Interview on Theoretical Cold Fusion and Antigravity

05 Energy, YouTube
John Maguire
John Maguire

Interview with Frank Znidarsic: a registered professional electrical engineer in the state of Pennsylvania. During his many years working in the energy sector, he has personally witnessed the limitations and decline of American industry. Frank has also written numerous peer reviewed and non peer reviewed articles on cold fusion, anti-gravity, and foundational physics and has been featured in Infinite Energy Magazine. He is also the author of the book ‘Energy, Cold Fusion and Antigravity’. His Quantum Transition Theory (aka Z-Theory) resolves a variety of quantum enigmas (Planck’s Constant, Quantum Jumping, Energy Level of Photons) utilizing a classical approach. His theory accounts for Cold Fusion/LENR as a byproduct of the amplified magneto component of the nuclear strong force (aka spin orbit force), and also accounts for Anti-Gravity as a byproduct of the amplified magneto component of the gravitational force. By exploring these topics more in depth, Frank believes that mankind can achieve an age of abundance in the not too distant future. Frank’s book can be purchased on Amazon, and more information about Frank can be found at his personal website, on YouTube, as well as at the forums.

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