HUMAN INTELLIGENCE (HUMINT): As with many other definitions, this one has been abjectly corrupted by over two centuries of government emphasis on secret sources & methods to the exclusion of proper stewardship of education, open source intelligence, and research. HUMINT is any process that relies on a human mind to collect, process, and convert data and information into intelligence. 99% of HUMINT is not secret or expensive. Most of its is also not in English. Below is illustrated a concept for “Full Spectrum HUMINT” that leads to Organizational Intelligence and ultimately to a Smart Nation, a Smart Continent (Africa First), and a Prosperous World at Peace.
Above from Definitions: The Basics
See Especially:
humint definitions @ Phi Beta Iota & HUMINT @ Phi Beta Iota

Phi Beta Iota: Robert Steele is available to mentor, train, & manage 21st Century HUMINT/OSINT operations. OSINT is HUMINT, not TECHINT. HUMINT is best done multinationally, not unilaterally. Clandestine HUMINT cannot be done from within official cover installations. Clandestine HUMINT can generally not be done by active duty personnel with a corafam shoe mind-set or by young people who have led boring US-based lives. To be effective, HUMINT requires a cultural, historical, and linguistic analytic foundation and a ruthless pervasive counterintelligence safety net — none of these are characteristic of USA “HUMINT” at this time. Email him at robert.david.steele.vivas [at] gmail [dot] com. Non-US governments and non-state emissaries are welcome to communicate as securely as they wish to 11005 Langton Arms Court, Oakton VA 22124.
See Also:
Robert Steele Biography and Linked Publications