2014-02-23 Revolution USA Daily 1700 East


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Inadequate Intelligence. US security failures insult our intelligence

Isolation of Elites. Henry Giroux on Resisting the Neoliberal Revolution

Breakdown of Elite Consensus. Time to Push Back Against The Global Warming Nazis

Weak or Inefficient Government. GUEST COMMENTARY: ‘Federal government is dysfunctional, broken, inefficient

Too Much or Too Little Bureaucracy. So Now Obama’s Against Inefficient Bureaucracy?

Ego-Centric or Parochial Government. For Outgoing Governors Senate Is Rest Home

Elite Intransigence. Inside the US political machine

Repression of Dissent. Worldview: Autocrats, beware: Squelching dissent won't work anymore

Failure to Adapt. Learning How to Learn: What Business Leaders Need to Know

Ineffective Tension Managment. ‘We Need to Make City Processes Easier'

Failure to Examine False Premises. Katie Pavlich finds Brady Campaign’s gun survey loaded (with false premises)

External Control of Government.

Arbitrary or Excessive Government. Federal wood burning rule prompts rural backlash

Failure to Respond to All Groups.

Garrison, Industrial, or Welfare State. A Year on the Job, Hagel's Team Finally Taking Shape


Concentration of Wealth.  Wealth gap: A guide to what it is, why it matters

Lack of Public Disclosure. U.S. Relaxes Some Data Disclosure Rules

Loss of Economic Initiative. Why (Some) Downtowns Are Back

Failure to Do Balanced Growth. State of the state: Strong job growth but high unemployment, poverty

Breakdown of Fiscal, Monetary, Welfare Policies. Can The Fed Stop The Next Recession? Business Can't Bank On It

Insufficient Mobility. Economic mobility hasn’t changed in a half-century in America, economists declare

Failure to Deal with White Collar Crime. White collar crime arrests likely to continue in 2014

Loss of Key Sectors to Foreign Providers. Report: Offshoring And Outsourcing A Mixed Bag For U.S. Jobs, Wages

Loss of Quality Control. Climate change, executive power at issue in environmental case at Supreme Court

Status Discrepancies. Martinez campaign pushes immigrant license issue

Lack of Economic Motivators. Income inequality

Unstable Growth. U.S. stock market is starting to ride a tech M&A wave

Excessive Defense Spending. U.S. never reaped bonus of post-Cold War world


Conflicting Myths. How I lost the religion of my childhood

Inadequate Socialization. The Double Standard That Lets Elites Survive Even Catastrophic Failures

Loss of Authority. US lacks Moral Authority to bring Resolutions against Sri Lanka or any other country

Failure to Honor National Myth System. Yes, Black People: Don’t Buy Into the Great American Myth

Humiliation of Leaders.

Loss of Confidence by Population. Toxic chemicals and pollutants affect kids’ brain development

Cynicism, Opportunism, Corruption. It Only Seems That Political Corruption Is Rampant

Failure to Deal with Prejudice. Medals of Honor, Denied Because of Prejudice, to Be Belatedly Awarded

Desertion of Intellectuals. Why Anti-Intellectualism Is Dumb

Failure to Deal with Alienation. From alienation to empowerment via the writings of Stuart Hall

Media (Self) Censorship. Gender-based censorship

Suppression of Intellectual Disourse. We need to hear more, not less, from our intellectuals

Failure of Religion. Pastors should not push, preach propaganda

Cultural Pre-Disposition Toward Violence. Open Letter: Too long to wait for an assault policy


Acceptance of Media Distortions. Protest Coverage in Haiti and Venezuela Reveals U.S. Media Hypocrisy

Inadequate Education. Rich Copley: Cutting art and music is cheating our students

 Failure to Embrace New Technologies. Young US firms in high tech down from 60% ratio in 1982 to 38%

Failure to Embrace New Groups.

Failure to Have a National Strategy. Ex-commie spymaster warns of rapid ‘American descent'

Failure to Nurture Entrepreneurship.

Failure to Franchise All Groups. Rick Perry thinks Mexico may have just solved America’s immigration problem

Failure to Develop National R&D. Funding the future: Endowments grow at UR, RIT

Failure to (Protect) Communications. How America’s Soldiers Fight for the Spectrum on the Battlefield

Failure to Control Police, Army (or CIA). IU professor, ACLU suing customs officials over alleged 4th Amendment violations at Indy airport

Failure to Employ Alpha Citizens.

Failure to Assess & Apply Technologies.

Excessive Urbanization or Pollution. Environmental Groups Resort to Suing Industries Directly


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