2014-03-10 Open Source Everything Daily


We’re playing around. None of the RSS / curation offerings are satisfactory.

IADB CirclesNOTE: If the line is blank, this means that if you or your friends write an article on line using that phrase, it will make it into our next listing. One of the reasons we are doing this is to show opportunities for writing about opens that are not properly covered by the mainstream media.

Autonomous Internet.

Crowd Funding. Mike Suman: Learning about the crowd funding process

Crowd Sourcing. I Let The Internet Make My Life Decisions For A Week

Liberation Technology.

Open Access. Elsevier Announces the Launch of Open Access Journal: Colloid and Interface Science Communications

Open Architecture.


Open Budget.

Open Cloud.

Open Coalition.

Open Content. Download Over 22,000 Golden & Silver Age Comic Books from the Comic Book Plus Archive

Open Culture.

Open Data. Computer Weekly – 11 March 2014: Making data flow freely

Open Democracy. Activists statewide propose warrants to get corporate money out of politics

Open Design.

Open Ecology.

Open Education. Tulsa firm Expert TA boosts STEM education

Open Election.

Open Electronics.

Open Environment.

OpenFlow. Vello leads industry’s first Open Source Optical (OSO) effort

Open Government. Legislature passes Attorney General’s open government training bill

Open Hardware.

Open Innovation. Japan's O3 Project Announces First Milestones for Multi-Carrier, Multi-Layer SDN

Open Knowledge. “Open-washing” – The difference between opening your data and simply making them available

Open Manufacturing. Unilever Plans Manufacturing in Ethiopia to Emulate Vietnam

Open Materials. Students press profs to open minds to cheaper textbooks

Open Media.

Open Meetings. Groups to hold event on Sunshine Law


Open Money.

Open Network.

Open Politics.

Open Records. Tempura documents fight costs $700,000 plus

Open Religion.

Open Repositories.

Open Science.

Open Security.

Open Software.

Open Spectrum.

Open Standards. HP and NEC to Deliver SDN-enabled Open-standards Networking Solutions for Enterprise customers

Open Textbooks. The ASUW Student Senate passed R-20-27: A Resolution in Support of Open Textbooks

True Cost. Death of a Console Game: The True Cost of Non-Backwards Compatibility



THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO: Transparency, Truth, & Trust (2012)

All Open Source Everything Daily Posts

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