Review (DVD): Noah with Russell Crowe

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Russell Crowe

4.0 out of 5 stars Weak Odd Beginning, Ends Well — a Solid Four, July 31, 2014

This is an art video, not a science video. It is an artistic interpretation the Bible Belt has gone nuts over, to no useful end. I find that on balance, while the movie has almost no connection to reality or theology, it does have enough philosophy and cinematic value to be a solid four.

The team producing this movie over-reached badly on the beginning and the sci-fi aspects they portray at the beginning. That costs them one star. The rest of the movie is a compelling mix of extaordinary cinematography, a subtle script in which Cain keeps resurfacing including in Noah's own son, and a very happy tear-jerking ending in which man is resurrected from the dead.

Not worth going to a movie house for, but absolutely worth having on background at the flat screen that is next to all smart people's double-screen workstation. Not Russell Crowe's best work, a few extraordinary facial arrangements not-with-standing, but by no means deserving of all the ignorant vitrol from creationists and absolutists out of touch with reality.

This movie joins 134 other DVDs I recommend for smart people. My summaries are all easily found at Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog, use Categories scoll bar to get to the very bottom. All my reviews lead back to their Amazon page.

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