A free energy maverick, Shaun McCarthy, says he has a ‘never die' battery and he's presenting it in his favorite pub…
“The battery is very unique — You don’t put any energy in, it’s what they call a closed loop. Literally the battery is self-powered. It’s a ‘never die’ battery. It’ll drain itself, but it will recharge itself in two seconds.”
Phi Beta Iota: It is now known that the 15% of total conventional energy used for cooling could be replaced by lightwave cooling. We are beginning to understand how much we do not know about energy capture, energy storage, and energy alternatives.
See especially:
SchwartzReport: New Cooling Device Could Eliminate 15% of Current Energy Use
Sepp Hasslberger: Solid State Cooling = Major Energy Savings
Yoda: Magnetic Heat Reduction = Radical Drop in Energy Needed to Cool
See Also:
Sepp Hasslberger @ Phi Beta Iota