Beth Simone Noveck directs The Governance Lab and its MacArthur Research Network on Opening Governance. GovLab designs and tests technology, policy and strategies for fostering more open and collaborative approaches to strengthen the ability of people and institutions to work together to solve problems, make decisions, resolve conflict and govern themselves more effectively and legitimately.
Among projects she’s designed or collaborated on are Unchat, The Do Tank, Peer To Patent, Data.gov, Challenge.gov and the Gov Lab’s Living Labs and training platform, The Academy.
The Jerry Hultin Global Network Professor at New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering, she was formerly the Jacob K. Javits Visiting Professor at the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service and a visiting professor at the MIT Media Lab. Beth is a professor of law at New York Law School and a Senior Fellow at the Yale Law School Information Society Project.
She served in the White House as the first United States Deputy Chief Technology Officer and director of the White House Open Government Initiative (2009-2011).
A graduate of Harvard University and Yale Law School, she serves on the Global Commission on Internet Governance and chaired the ICANN Strategy Panel on Multi-Stakeholder Innovation. She is a member of the Advisory Board of the Open Contracting Partnership. She was named one of the “Foreign Policy 100″ by Foreign Policy, one of the “100 Most Creative People in Business” by Fast Company and one of the “Top Women in Technology” by Huffington Post.
Beth is the author of Wiki Government: How Technology Can Make Government Better, Democracy Stronger and Citizens More Powerful, and Smart Citizens, Smarter State: The Technologies of Expertise and the Future of Governing.
- The Single Point of Failure – except from Wiki Government
- Demand a More Open Source Government – TED Talk
- Bridging the Knowledge Gap: In Search of Expertise – Democracy Journal
- The Open Data Era in Health and Social Care
- Innovations in Global Governance: Toward a Distributed Internet Governance Ecosystem
- Smart Cities, Smart Citizens – Presentation and Transcript
- Crowdsourcing Wisely Not Widely – Presentation
- The GovLab’s Open Governance Changemakers Twitter Lists
- The GovLab Digest