Robert Steele: Columbia Journalism Review Guide to OSINT (1% of It)


A Guide to Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)

Michael Edison Hayden

Columbia Journalism Review

Introduction | One: The Difference between Open and Closed Networks | Two: Searching the Open Web | Three: Verifying the Authenticity of Social Media Accounts | Four: Verifying Images and Videos | Five: Exploring Fringe Websites | Six: Using Archives, Saving Your Work | Seven: Learning New Platforms and Interacting with Hostile Communities | Appendix: Tools

ROBERT STEELE: This is a great guide if you only care about the 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% that is online.  The author, from the much-discredited Southern Law Poverty Center that scams people for donations while censoring haters (anyone committed to the truth), has done a fine job on the pimple under the donkey's tail. He should apply to the CIA's Open Source Center, where he will find himself in good company.  Serious people can start here: #OSINT.

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