Alert Reader Brad Stepheson writes in:
I'm writing to provide some of my industry perspective from within an open source community project focused on foundational elements of Web 3.0. You are very much keyed-in on the importance of Web 3.0 decentralization, re “…G Gestapo”, censorship, etc.. I recall you've broached this during many of your appearances at least over the past year or two, the latest I've watched being X22 Spotlight posted 2019-12-21. Your consistency with this has led me to contact you.
While Web 3.0 is a very broad technical domain encompassing many potential mechanisms and use cases, some key underlying elements include interoperability & sharded/fragmented/distributed storage of encrypted data and retrieval thereof, with services such as identity, marketplace, legal signature, hosting, etc, built on top and served to endusers through hybrid applications.
Most ironically, the loudest and most heavily marketed/hyped “cutting edge” projects appear, based on objective analysis, to frequently be those most lacking viable design. Such marketing also drives premature adoption which actually creates tech-debt leading to difficulty or inability to resolve underlying core issues without wrecking things downstream. A leading example of this can be seen in a report produced by Whiteblock Inc. (distributed technology testers) titled “EOS: An Architectural, Performance, and Economic Analysis” – quite a controversial paper for obvious reasons among the EOS community when it was released, however many conclusions and technical concerns drawn have since manifested in real life for EOS.
On the other hand, there are legitimately promising approaches and projects, tech-wise, which up to this point remain mostly unheralded. Komodo and Syscoin come to mind first, for different reasons. I'd like to make sure you are aware of Syscoin Platform in particular, an ongoing mainnet project since 2014 focused on Enterprise-viable public blockchain, what they've accomplished and what they're doing. Look for recent interviews with Dan Wasyluk (Syscoin cofounder and CEO of Blockchain Foundry, Inc. – publicly traded as BCFN on Canadian Securities Exchange).
Recent interview
Recent presentation at Amsterdam Blockparty
Recent AMA hosted by
Just want to make sure you're seeing what you need to see in this somewhat chaotic (at the moment) industry! Feel free to shoot questions or opinions my way.
Best Regards,
Bradley Stephenson
See Also:
#GoogleGestapo @ Phi Beta Iota
UPDATE: Anon Alert Reader from Europe writes in:
While i can not really comment on the majority of his thought-trail, due to not being knowledgable about EOS and Whiteblock.
What i can say is that it really is a chaotic industry, the Web 3.0 area. And most companies focus too much on the hype-train called Blockchain. In reality, its use is fairly limited and it creates another closed ecosystem. While Web 3.0 is all about throwing the web back open, with keywords such as interoperability. The term distributed essentially says openness. Some companies do get this and they try to create open technologies not based on a blockchain. This is very much needed, as all those blockchain's are usually linked to coins. Which hints at a money collection scheme in some get-rich-very-fast belief.
There are a few gems in this wild buzzing Web 3.0 world, and they deserve praise. My heart especially goes out to platforms and technologies who link well with other platforms and thus create a coherent network that provides for the basic needs of the average netizen.
Regarding the last paragraph, considering the vastness and the crowdedness of the industry. It is impossible to know everyone of them(as new ones popup every day). Komodo and Syscoin might very well be valid good companies considering my above remarks.
I simply have no knowledge of them. Therefore it is a good idea to bring the interview links in the spotlights. Their viewpoints might help further the development of this exciting concept we call web 3.0 or distributed web.
See Also: