Steven Aftergood: DoD Report on North Korea Divorced from Reality

Peace Intelligence
Steven Aftergood

DoD: North Korea is Committed to its Nuclear Forces

“Pyongyang portrays nuclear weapons as its most effective way to deter the threat from the United States,” the Department of Defense says in a newly disclosed report to Congress on North Korean security policy.

“North Korea’s primary strategic goal is perpetual Kim family rule via the simultaneous development of its economy and nuclear weapons program — a two-pronged policy known as byungjin.” See Military and Security Developments Involving the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, 2017, Office of the Secretary of Defense, February 2018.

Read rest of summary by Steven Aftergood.

Phi Beta Iota: The DoD report, from February, is both out of touch with reality and representative of the Deep State/Zionist crap that the military-industrial complex produces with continuing malice and knowledge of falsity.

See Also:

Korea @ Phi Beta Iota

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