Andrey Kortunov: Four Dreadful Syrian Scenarios

Peace Intelligence

Four Dreadful Scenarios for Tomorrow’s Syria and What We Can Do To Avoid Them

Michel Duclos & Andrey Kortunov

Institute Montaigne

  • Bashar al-Assad starts a major offensive in Idlib, supported by the Iran-backed militia and by the Russian air force.
  • The Turks and the Kurds resume fighting in the North.
  • The South-West Agreement falls apart.
  • The Russian-Iranian partnership in Syria collapses.

Read full discussion.

Robert David STEELE Vivas

ROBERT STEELE: Russia, the USA, and China — not France — should address these possibilities with Turkey and Iran first, then with Saudi Arabia and Israel. The time has come to end all US military and financial support for Saudi Arabia and Israel unless they agree to denuclearize, demilitarize, and withdraw to their original boundaries — the wars in Syria and Yemen must end, Israel must leave the Golan Heights, and more. My eight point peace conference agenda is quite clear, nothing else will do.

Zionism in the USA is OVER. I suspect President Donald Trump wants to wait until 2022 to bit this particular bullet, but I don't think we can allow that.  #UNRIG – Unity with Integrity, cannot be pushed through unless  the perfidy of the Zionists in planning and executing 9/11 is made crystal clear to the public.  As terrible as Zionist atrocities against Palestine have been, as terrible as Saudi atrocities against Syria and Yemen have been, it is 9/11 Truth that is the center of gravity for ending the ability of the two-party tyranny to manipulate everything in favor of the Deep State 1% in return for a 5% kick-back (bribe).

The President has ordered our military to leave Syria.  He can do more by facing the fact that until we expunge Zionist Israel from the US economy, US government, and US society, he will not be the greatest President ever, and he will not Make America Great Again. The Zionist parasite — which cannot and must not be confused with Judaism — has sucked the life blood out of every country it has penetrated, To achieve prosperity at home, and to achieve peace abroad, our President must have a Grand Strategy that is holistic and fully integrated true cost economics — the true cost of Zionism is death and poverty for all others — he must have a Trump Studio and Trump Truth Channel to educate all citizens about reality in contradistinction to the Deep State lies that the Mainstream Media (MSM) and Zionist-controlled social media also known as #GoogleGestapo are purveying; and he must cleanse the White House of Zionists (Kushner, Bolton) and the press.

See Especially:

Robert Steele, “Is Ilhan Omar Cynthia McKinney 2.0?: Will the Zionist Parasite Be Purged from the USA This Time?” American Herald Tribune, 18 February 2019 PBI BackUp

Steele, Robert. “Koreas Unite, Denuclearize: Middle East Next – after a Global Financial Re-Set – Ideas for Iran,” Russian International Affairs Council, 2 May 2018. PBI Back-Up

Steele, Robert. For the President of the United States of America Donald Trump: Subject: EradicatingFake News and False Intelligence with an Open Source Agency That Also SupportsDefense, Diplomacy, Development, & Commerce (D3C) Innovation to Stabilize World. Earth Intelligence Network, 2017.

See Also:

Former Representative and Intelligence Official Team Up to Unrig Elections


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