Hot Topics
AA: Instability in Iran negative for Azerbaijan, political scientist 12/29/09
AA: Lebanon's Druze leader urges Israeli Druze not to serve in IDF 12/29/09
AA: National Intelligence Estimate Targets Organized Crime 12/28/09
AA: Switzerland spoiled Turkey's EU dream 12/29/09
AM: Armenia – FY 2009 Results Summed Up by the Head of Government 12/28/09
AZ: Azerbaijani MP: Armenia's provocative moves will not influence Turkey 12/25/09
HR: Thousands protest Croatia war crime arrests 12/26/09
IL: Israel to issue gas masks to population 12/28/09
IT: Italy condemns Iran violence 12/27/09
RS: Serbia's Labor Minister Resigns On Failure To Nab War Criminal 12/29/09
RS: Serbia finds Kosovo organ trafficking ‘witnesses': report 12/27/09
RU: Russian missiles 12/29/09
UA: Ukraine to extract oil and gas on Black Sea shelf in 2010, says Tymoshenko 12/29/09
UA: Yishai: Ukrainians need visas because of prostitutes 12/29/09
Below the Fold: Instability, Special Operations, Security Forces, Foreign Affairs, Crime
AM: Armenian Armed Forces break ceasefire 12/30/09
IL: Israeli forces kill 6 Palestinians in West Bank and Gaza 12/26/09
RU: Russia says “concerned” by clashes in Iran 12/28/09
Special Operations
AA: UNIFIL, Lebanon find TNT along border 12/28/09
IL: Emergency drill held at Ben-Gurion airport 12/29/09
TR: Civilian investigation of military crimes a first in Turkey 12/28/09
Security Forces
AA: American Citizens Detained at US Embassy by Egyptian Security Forces 12/29/09
GR: Greek military rejects Turkish airspace violation complaint 12/28/09
IL: Explosive devices found near Gaza border 12/29/09
IL: Israel developing remote controlled weapon systems 12/28/09
IL: Police on alert for revenge against IDF soldier who killed comrade 12/27/09
RU: More Russian transport aviation to participate in drills next year 12/25/09
Foreign Affairs
AA: Turkey-Armenia rapprochement: one step forward, two steps back 12/28/09
AA: Greek admiral's visit signifies deepening military ties with Israel 12/25/09
AL: Albania – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. ILIR META … 12/29/09
AZ: Azerbaijan moves towards modernization in economic and political spheres: head … 12/29/09
GE: Georgia's foreign affairs highlights in 2009 12/29/09
HR: Croatia to Hold Presidential Runoff Vote 12/28/09
IL: Israel preparing to hand northern Ghajar over to UN 12/27/09
RU: Russia denies involvement in Iran's internal affairs 12/28/09
TR: Tensions seen not to derail Turkey's reform for Kurd rights 12/29/09
TR: Turkey security council meets, plot probe deepens 12/28/09
AA: African Group with Al-Qaida Ties Says it Kidnapped Italian Couple 12/29/09
AA: Russian women hide in jungle for 6 hours to ward off rape 12/26/09
AA: Shot in the arm for cyber security 12/27/09
IL: Israel: Top crime figures charged for online gaming ring 12/28/09
IT: Italy's PM Declares War on Mafia 12/28/09
RU: Man Sentenced in Russia for Spying for Georgia 12/30/09