Assistance: US Aid Program for Pakistan Frontier a Flop, Audit Says ( News, 30 Jan 10)
Assistance: What Failed In The Bureaucracy May Not Work On The Battlefield (Washington Post 2 Feb 10). One of those reasons involving the map system was attributed to the USAID mission in Pakistan, which wanted only USAID programs shown — rather than all FATA programs, as originally planned. The USAID map system was launched at the U.S. Consulate in Peshawar in September, while as of November little progress had been made on the one for the FATA Secretariat.
CIA Language Loss: Speak In Tongues, Or Else (2 Feb 10)
CIA moonlights in corporate world (Politico, 1 Feb 10)
Congressional Abuse: Pelosi's Children and Grandchildren Used Military Jets As Private Cross-Country Shuttle Service So They Could Avoid Dealing With the Rabble
Cyber-Security: Hacking for Fun and Profit in China’s Underworld (1 Feb 10)
Cyber-Security: Microsoft's Police State Vision? Exec Calls for Internet “Driver's
Licenses” (Lauren Weinstein Blog, 1 Feb 10)
Cyber-Security: PGP buys tech to offer trusted ID from the cloud (2 Feb 10)
Cyber-Security: UN calls for global cyber treaty (The Raw Story, 30 Jan 10
Defense Force Structure: Gates Continues Push To ‘Rebalance' U.S. Military Forces (National Journal's CongressDailyA M February 2, 2010—Subscription Only.) A major factor in shaping the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review was the realization that the complexity of the current security environment and the uncertainty of future threats requires the nation to have “a broad portfolio of military capabilities with maximum versatility across the widest possible spectrum of conflicts,” Defense Secretary Gates said Monday.
Defense QDR: Four Years To Produce This? The 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review is far too vague (Los Angeles Times, 2 Feb 10). I have read it multiple times, and I still don't know. The closest to a summary I can come to is this: We plan to do what we do now, but we'll try to do it a little bit better. That's probably not what was intended.
Foreign Policy: THE UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES OF LIMITED OBJECTIVES (20 Dec 09 highlighted 1 Feb 10)
Homeland Security: Obama officials present a strategic redefining of Homeland Security's
mission (2 Feb 10)
Homeland Security: Quadrennial Homeland Security Review Report
Threat: ODNI Congressional Testimony: Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Hearing (2 Feb 10)
US Liberty: Liberties oversight panel gets short shrift (2 Feb 10)
US Military Responsibilities To Expand (1 Feb 10)
US Military: Bring Our Marines Home (from Okinawa & Japan) by Patrick Buchanan (2 Feb 10)
US Military: Darpa’s New Plans: Crowdsource Intel, Edit DNA (2 Feb 10)
US Strategy: China, Iran Prompt U.S. Air-Sea Battle Plan In Strategy Review (1 Feb 10)