Journal: Bloom Box, Bloom Energy, Bloom for Real?

05 Energy
Bloom Energy Box

Current  BloomEnergy Website Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

20100904  Bloom Energy and Bloom Box Fuel Cell, IPO, and Stock Symbol Updates

20100226 Bloom Box Video: K.R. Sridhar Bloom Energy press conference

20100224 UK  Launch of the Bloom box fuel cell generates a slice of Apple hype

20100224 CBS on YouTube Bloom Box Unveiled (30 second advertisement first, bear with it)

20100221 60 Minutes The Bloom Box

20100219 CBS on YouTube A Peek Inside the Bloom Box (30 sec)

See More Images

Phi Beta Iota: A trusted source tells us that EBay is deriving one quarter of its Headquarters energy from these boxes, which are–at this point–actually more expensive than grid electricity but much less hazardous to the planet than coal.  The price point can be expected to drop dramatically and no longer require subsidies.  What is fascinating to us is that it is the really big global grid operators, including Google, that are jumping on this–the most intense and sustained “heat” in the 21st Century appears to come from C4I grids, and these folks are getting a ten year jump on the marketplace.

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