Rolf Sattler, Ph.D., D.Sc. (h.c.), F.L.S., F.R.S.C., (born March 8, 1936) is a Canadian plant morphologist, biologist, philosopher, and educator. He is considered one of the most significant contributors to the field of plant morphology. His contributions are not only empirical but involved also a revision of the most fundamental concepts, theories, and philosophical assumptions.
The major focus of his philosophical contributions to plant morphology and our understanding of reality has been on process philosophy, integral philosophy, holism, contextualism, perspectivism, and complementarity. Besides hierarchy (holarchy) he underlines the importance of complementary perspectives such as dialectics, holism as undivided wholeness, Yin-Yang, continuum and network views. Besides Aristotelian either/or logic, he emphasizes the importance of fuzzy logic. He explores how either/or logic can lead to conflict and even war, whereas fuzzy logic and Yin-Yang thinking can be healing because they connect what either/or logic has torn apart. Finally, he also emphasizes that beyond all perspectives is the unnamable, the source, emptiness (in the Buddhist sense), mystery, which is of ultimate importance for healing and total Being.