This chapter is in two sections. The first section draws, with permission and respect, from the work of Kirkpatrick Sale and others devoted to the study of secession as an ethical, legal recourse for elements of the United STATES of America that feel the Constitution has been violated beyond repair, and that the Federal Government, created as a narrowly-defined service of common concern subordinate to BOTH the individual STATES and to We the People as a collective body, is no longer viable and should–as the Founding Fathers foresaw–in need of abolishment.
The second section reviews the many reasons why the rest of the world is angry and disdainful of America, not its people or its core values as rooted in the Constitution, but rather the misbehavior of the federal government acting “in our name” and funded by our tax payments. The ineptness of America's foreign policy–regardless of which side of the two-party tyranny is nominally in power on behalf of Wall Street–cannot be appreciated without understanding both the domestic and the foreign grievances that are legitimate beyond doubt.
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