2002 Network security: Protecting our critical infrastructures (UN ITU)

United Nations & NGOs
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The following key issues will be explored under this topic:

1. The Nature of the Problem

A) The vulnerabilities of national and international infrastructures B) Infrastructure dependencies C) Infrastructure failures and attacks D) Models for information attacks E) The international dimensions of the problem F. The need for international cooperation

2. Strategic Defence Options

A) Preventing an attack B) Thwarting an attack C) Limiting damage D) Reconstituting after an attack E) Passive and active defences F) Some specifically international problems

3. Forms of International Cooperation

A) Standards B) Information Sharing C) Halting cyber attacks in progress D) Harmonizing legal systems E) Providing assistance to developing nations

4. Finding a Suitable Framework for International Cooperation

A) An ideal model B) Necessary characteristics of an approximate real-world construction C) Some difficult problems to overcome

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