SmartPlant: Forward Progress — Sort Of…


smartplanet logoBy next quarter, more data than voice will be traversing U.S. mobile networks

Every day, we carry around small computers that, oh by the way, also can be used for phone calls.

U.S. government joins push for more data scientists

Three universities, two foundations and White House Office of Science and Technology Policy announce multi-million-dollar initiative to boost data science Phi Beta Iota: Anyone emphasizing data over humans and education is part of the problem.  The US in particular continues down a very corrupt and ill-considered path of substituting technology for thinking, secrecy for policy, and money for well-being.  What we are doing is NOT WORKING — it is more of doing the wrong things righter instead of doing the right thing. The RIGHT THING is hybrid governance, holistic analytics, true cost economics, and an absolute commitment to ethical evidence-based decision-support for everybody.  “Data Science” is a variation of NSA.  Expensive, stupid, and ultimately toxic.

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