Kevin Barrett (Satire): Bill Gates Expresses Remorse for Wrecking Global Economy by Fear-Mongering Over COVID-19
Bill Gates Expresses Remorse for Unleashing COVID-19 At a press conference this morning outside his 350-billion-dollar mansion sprawling across three of Seattle’s poshest neighborhoods, philanthropist Bill Gates tearfully confessed: “Woe is me! Would that I had not hired the CIA to take Event 201 live!” Read full article.
Kevin Barrett: Abandonment of Hajj Pilgrimmage Signals Approach of World War 3 (Islamic Prophecy) Is Netanyahu Antichrist?
Abandonment of Hajj Pilgrimmage Signals Approach of World War 3 (Islamic Prophecy): Is Netanyahu Antichrist? It occurs to me that rather than being literal nations or tribes, Gog and Magog could represent the two great spiritual deviations of our time: Those who abandon religion (the atheists) and those who invert it (the satanists). Those two …
Kevin Barrett: Zionists and Coronavirus –Truth Emergent?
Article Below the Fold
Kevin Barrett: Bernie Sanders Commits Political Heresy Questioning Military-Industrial Complex
Bernie Sanders Commits Political Heresy Questioning Military-Industrial Complex He proposed spending $1.5 trillion over 10 years to create universal child care and early education system, to be funded by taxing the wealthiest Americans. Read full article.
Kevin Barrett: Israeli Knesset Debates Mandatory Auschwitz Tattoos, “Fecal Holocaust Gene” Implants
Israeli Knesset Debates Mandatory Auschwitz Tattoos, “Fecal Holocaust Gene” Implants Dissociated Press The Israeli Knesset yesterday delayed voting on the Mandatory Tattoo Bill (KN-6283) requiring that all citizens be tattooed with Nazi concentration camp ID numbers in memory of the Holocaust. The bill also obliges newborn infants to undergo genetic screening to determine whether they …
Kevin Barrett PhD with Robert Steele on Islam, Zionism, Trump, 9/11 and Currency Reset (#UNRIG Video, 27:45)
RELATED: Leader marks birth anniversary of Jesus Christ See Especially: Memoranda for the President on 9/11: Time for False Flag Deep State Truth! UPDATE 19: Israel Did It with Cheney & Mueller [New Book Indicts FBI In Detail] See Also: Kevin Barrett @ Phi Beta Iota Global Currency Reset @ Phi Beta Iota