Search: M4IS2 [as of 20121013]



Definitions: M4IS2 (Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing & Sense-Making

Graphic: Core Force for Multinational and Whole of Government Operations

In “borderless” cyberspace, nation states struggle — M4IS2 Anyone?

Multi-National Decision-Support Centres at P2P Foundation

Reference: World Brain Institute & Global Game

Robert Steele: Data Is the New Oil BUT No One Is Serious About Holistic Analytics, True Cost Economics, Machine or Man-Machine Translation, or M4IS2

Robert Steele: World Brain / Global Game Update with Concept for School of Future-Oriented Hybrid Governance and Centre for Multinational Multiagency Multidisciplinary Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making (M4IS2)

Search: The Future of OSINT [is M4IS2-Multinational]

Search: solutions for prosperous world

Search: why is india not a muslim country

2013 Public Governance in the 21st Century: New Rules, Hybrid Forms, One Constant – The Public

1988-2009 OSINT-M4IS2 TECHINT Chronology

See Also:

Continue reading “Search: M4IS2 [as of 20121013]”

Search: • most but not all of the information needed for strategic reflections comes from open source intelligence.

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This also applies at the operational, tactical, and technical levels; generally the 80-20 rules applies–80% open, 20% closed.  It merits comment that no one is actually producing Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) as a holistic persistent element of decision-making, nor is most secret “intelligence” actually intelligence –it is just classified information.

To qualify as OSINT one must integrate the proven process of intelligence with all sources in all mediums and all languages across all topics of concern to both Whole of Government and M4IS2 (Multinational, Multiagency, Multidisciplinary, Multidomain Information-Sharing and Sense-Making.

Click on Image to Enlarge

This will not happen until the public gets serious about demanding the eradication of the ten threats to humanity through the  harmonizing what can be known and shared across the twelve policy domains, not only to stabilize and reconstruct the USA, but to render–with all due humility–assistance to Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Russia, Venezuela and Wild Cards so that they avoid our mistakes and embrace both Whole Systems thinking and True Cost Economics.

2008 Open Source Intelligence (Strategic)

Graphic: OSINT Relevance to High-Level Threats to Humanity [Graphic at Top Left]

[Graphic at Bottom Right]  Graphic: OSINT Support to Four Levels of Analysis

This entire website, which is also the front end for and, is about intelligence with integrity at all four levels of policy, acquisition, and operations, across all mission areas.

See Also:

Continue reading “Search: • most but not all of the information needed for strategic reflections comes from open source intelligence.”

Search: threat matrix


Human in the loop — always, without exception, better than technology.

Graphic: Expeditionary Environment Analytic Model

Graphic: Four Global Belligerent Groups Today

Graphic: Four Threat Classes

Graphic: Strategic Analytic Matrix

Graphic: Ten High-Level Threats to Humanity

Graphic: Top Ten Threats to Humanity – Relevance of Open Sources & Methods

Graphic: Threat Level Changes Depending on the Level of Analysis

See Also:

Continue reading “Search: threat matrix”

Search: integrity [as of 5 Oct 2012]


Sorry for the failure to get to the core pieces.  Part of the challenge is that “integrity” is a recurring theme — this web site, by definition, is replete with integrity in every posting, every link, every intent.  This search overview does not include ethics, legitimacy, or truth, three other core terms and concepts that permeate this site and all contributions to this site.  It also does not include cybernetic, design, holistic, and whole systems aspects of integrity unless integrity is in the headline.

Continue reading “Search: integrity [as of 5 Oct 2012]”

Search: why is india not a muslim country

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हिंदी का उपयोग कर गूगल दूसरे स्तंभ के शीर्ष पर अनुवाद करने के लिए अनुवाद.

India is not a “Muslim” country only because it is the most complex country on the planet.  India has the second largest Muslim population in the world after Indonesia and before Pakistan.  Nigeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, Iran, and Turkey are the other major Muslim population centers.

Click on Image to Enlarge

Within India, the second most populous country in the world, scheduled to surpass China by 2025 despite its very low growth rate of 1.41%, Hindus are the vast majority, 80.5% of the population, with Muslims at 13.4%, Christians at 2.3%, Sikhs at 1.9%, and Buddhists, Jains, and Others below 1% each.

India is also the most linguistically-diversified country, with 29 languages each spoken by at least one million people.  Here again Hindi (five major dialect groups) is the vast majority, with 41% of the population, 442 million people, speaking this language.  Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, and several other languages follow Hindi, with Punjabi coming in 11th.

Wikipedia / List of Muslim-majority countries

Wikipedia / List of countries by Muslim population (numbers)

Wikipedia / Demographics of India

The eight “demographic players” that will define the future irrespective of what the USA does, are Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Russia, and Venezuela, with Wild Cards such as the Congo, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Turkey well worth watching with great respect.

Phi Beta Iota:  India is ideally suited to be the foundation for the new world order, but only if it embraces the combination of the Open Source Everything meme, mindset, and method, while also appreciating the fact that natonal intelligence is best nurtured as a bottom-up endeavor.

See Also:

2012 PREPRINT: The Craft of Intelligence

2012 THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO: Transparency, Truth & Trust

Graphic: Medard Gabel’s Cost of Peace versus War

Graphic: One Vision for the Future of Microsoft

Graphic: Pre-Conditions of Revolution

Open Source Everything 500 words 1.4

Robert Steele: Reflections on United Nations Intelligence & Counterintelligence

Robert Steele: The Virgin Truth

Search: indian president letters copies

Search: integrity [as of 5 Oct 2012]

Search: solutions for prosperous world

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Robert David STEELE Vivas