Search: future civil war in america, map

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Phi Beta Iota:  if a non-violent revolution cannot occur such as outlined at We the People Reform Coalition, then a violent revolution is virtually certain.  The two-party tyranny is oblivious to the 18 veterans a day committing suicide (many others try to commit suicide and fail); the 22.4% unemployment, the radical crash of the lower middle class to the poverty level, and the presence in the USA today of many if not most of the preconditions for a revolution–a civil war not between two territories within a larger whole, but rather a war between classes–the elite and their wanna-be “upper middle class” servants, and the rest of us.  It is important to distinguish between a war of secession (more likely) — a new confederation if not new separate nations — and a civil war (restoration of the Constitution and the rule of law versus the current situation).


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Search: Aquifers of the World + Water RECAP


Very nice search.  There are only five major items here on water, but this is such an important topic that we are adding some links and images here to honor your search.  It is not possible to do intelligence with integrity about aquifers without taking into account the impact of all ten threats on water, and the role that the other eleven core policies play in aggravating the water insanity that is now prevalent in the Western world. In the mid-term, we expect the price points for solar energy applied to water desalination and cleansing to drop to the point that seawater can be harvested with a sufficiency and efficiency to PROTECT the aquifers, which should all be placed off limits as soon as possible.  Naturally fracking, using water to flush tar sands, and other similar idiocy should cease.

Graphic: Water-Centric Holistic Analysis

Graphic: Water Wars (1990′s Depiction)

Graphic: Water Aquifers (Groundwater)

Reference: WATER–Soul of the Earth, Mirror of Our Collective Souls

2004 (US) Spinney Water and the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Quick Links:

DuckDuckGo on Aquifers   .   Wikipedia/Aquifer   .   Images for Aquifers of the World

Transboundary Aquifers of the World presented at the WWF5

Water RECAP for Phi Beta Iota Below the Line

Continue reading “Search: Aquifers of the World + Water RECAP”

Search: the expanding role of open source information and social media for the intelligence community


The Expanding Role of Open Source Information and Social Media for the Intelligence Community

Open source information and social media have caused a huge growth in the amount of data available to the intelligence community. In a budget constrained environment, this information explosion may become a major source for producing intelligence and protecting our nation.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012 7:30 AM – 9:30 AM National Press sClub

Phi Beta Iota:  The US Intelligence Community costs over $80 billion dollars a year and produces “at best” 4% of what a major commander needs to know (and nothing for everyone else including Cabinet Secretaries, Assistant Secretaries, and desk officers.  The nominal Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) element within the secret world is a runt off-spring of the same bad practices.  We have wasted a quarter century on bad leaders, bad methods, bad contracts, and abysmally derelict marginal outcomes.

Alternative Study:

2012 Robert Steele Answers PhD Student Questions

2012 PREPRINT FOR COMMENT: The Craft of Intelligence

2012:  Open Source Agency: Executive Access Point

ROOT: The Open Source Everything Convergence